View Full Version : Wiating on GP to call me - so scared

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 11:49
Had a whole raft of bloods (including ca125) for my ongoing pelvic pain yesterday. Surgery rang me at 9am to say mt CRP and FBC levels were raised and needed a re-test in 2 weeks. The ca125 isn't back yet. I got into quite a state so the lovely receptionist said she'd get the GP to call me this morning after surgery. Waiting on the call and all's I can do is look up ovarian cancer and raised blood levels. I'm more scared that I've ever been in my life.

I did have a scan and an internal one on my ovaries in Oct last year. One ovary was partially covered and the other one had a collapsing cyst on it. I keep thinking maybe the hidden one was actually hiding something.

I know no-one can give answers here, but I am alone at work and so so frightened. Anyone please?

21-03-14, 11:59
It's quite normal to have raised CRP levels as any form of infection can cause this. Mine were raised last year and that was due to a UTI, my Doc said these can be raised from a cut toe! There are many reasons bloods can be out.

Is it possible the collapsing cyst is causing the pain?

Please don't google, talk to me instead. :)

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 12:12
Thank you for your reply :) The scan was back in Oct 2013 so I assume the cyst would have cleared by now? However, I've been sat here thinking and I started on Monday with a terrible sore throat. I never felt ill but my throat was really bad. I assume that can raise FBCs and this CRP? All these tests don't seem to be giving my any clear answers just more worry and uncertainty.

My stomach pain was gone yesterday and this morning but now it's back and I feel bloated but I've had trouble going to the toilet the last few days.

21-03-14, 12:18
I'm not a doc but my Doc said that slight infection can raise CRP, FBC is like a count of all your bloods so is possible white cells could be raised if infected too.

My stomach plays up when anxious too.

I understand the worry, it's horrible and all consuming. Minutes feel like years.

When do you expect to hear back?

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 12:19
The receptionist said she'd get the dr to call me back after morning surgery which finished an hour ago. Not heard anything yet :( I'm so so frightened.

21-03-14, 12:22
Stay here and talk with me ok? Tell me about yourself :)

21-03-14, 12:35
I completely understand your worry! I don't have any advice but just wanted to let you know that I will keep you in my prayers today. I'm sure everything will be just fine. :hugs:

21-03-14, 12:37
The doctor may have had to do some home visits and will call after that if not phone again this afternoon in case the receptionist forgot. I think if was anything to worry about the doctor would have called you as soon as the tests came through.

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 13:05
Thanks Puzzled lass, you are kind :) i'm a 35 neruotic mother of one., working in an office and studying for an English degree.

Surgery shut for lunch now and still no call. I will call them when they re-open at 1.30pm. both my mum and other half think they would not have got the receptionist to call if it was mega urgent. Apparently there was a note from the dr to say "tell the patient not to worry". But i guess they all say that and I'm not convinced at all.

21-03-14, 13:15
I think if they said not to worry, they mean that. Docs can't tell you not to worry if they had big concerns, they can get in real trouble!

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 13:18
Again my other half said that! I truly want to believe it but what if she's wrong? I know OV cancer is rare but someone has to get it, why not me?

All this has been going on 9 months and I don't feel any worse. The pain is variable throughout the month, some days no pain so rationally I think well I would feel something else amiss if it were sinister wouldn't I?

The C word scares me more than anything else in the world :weep:

21-03-14, 13:24
I totally understand. I often think "why not me" about my health anxieties too. Doctors have to be very careful what they say, so I truly believe that if they said not to worry, you shouldn't worry. Sounds like you have a supportive partner which is good.

The C word... shudder I relate. I think that if it was ovarian c that the US would have picked it up.

How long till they're off lunch?

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 13:27
I keep thinking back to the u/s and that if she'd seen both ovaries in full then I wouldn't be half as worried. Surely they have to scan properly the thing you are there for? I never pushed for a further scan because I was so relieved at the time to be told I was ok.

The surgery opens again at 1.30 and I finish work at 2pm so need to call as I gave my work number for her to call me back on. I am going to ask for an appointment or someone else to call me to go over the results as I can't go all weekend worrying like this. They obviously thought it was serious enough to ring me this morning!

21-03-14, 13:35
Is it likely they phoned you because they knew you would want results and would worry otherwise?

I think sonographers are pretty onto it, if symptoms persist you could perhaps ask for a rescan.

Make sure you speak with them (and keep us posted) you're right you cannot go weekend like this!

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 13:45
Ok she's just called me. Apparently my FBC white cells are normal. My CRP level is 10.4 and I think she said 10 was the range. Another level was 1.8 when 1.72 is normal (not sure what that was). She just told me not to worry and wait for the CA125. I asked what would happen if it was high. She said that it would push my referral through in 2 weeks but not because she thought it was cancer as it can be high in lots of cases.

She wasn't very reassuring though and very quick to get me off the phone but at least I have a better understanding. I will still worry but as much!!