View Full Version : HA is a strange thing

21-03-14, 12:15
This morning I sliced the top of my finger off while making my daughter breakfast. I swore, rinsed with water, compressed wound and bandaged and walked my daughter to school.

Thing is, I wasn't going to go to the Dr at all about this. I ended up going as I work in customer service so type a lot and could not go into work. Management was being troublesome and would have dragged me in anyway so I thought I would go get a medical cert so they would leave me be.

It's a good thing I did as the Doc said no work for 3 days and that I needed a tetanus shot and wound properly dressed and a sling! Turns out it was worse than I thought...

Was just thinking I had actually hurt myself and initially had no plans to see a Dr at all! Yet, If I have one symptom of anything else I feel I must go and won't rest until I do!

My point is: Actually hurt myself - nah I don't need a doc
Slight possibility I might be ill - run to docs!

21-03-14, 12:35
It's probably because a sliced finger is not seen as life-threatening by you. Whereas something like chest tightness on the other hand...

21-03-14, 12:37
Oh yes.. there can only be one reason for chest tightness, the worst reason possible!

*Fallen Angel*
21-03-14, 13:09
Yes I agree. Last summer I fell badly over/into a pothole and damaged my ankle badly. Never ay any point was I scared because I knew exactly what it was. For my, HA is about lack of control, the unknown and the vagueness over medical tests. That and the fact that when they test you for 1 thing, they find you've got a few other things (this has happened to me recently).

21-03-14, 14:09
It really is the oddest thing...last year I had ms..utterly convinced..then it was heart problems..utterly convinced...now its hiv...I had all the symptoms of them all!!! No doubt in a few weeks it will be something else..and bizarrely this reassures me...if I can convince myself so strongly that I have a condition and then it can be replaced by another so quickly it proves to me how powerful this anxiety stuff is..