View Full Version : Health anxiety is at it again....

21-03-14, 15:39
Hey guys,
As many of you guys know, the last two months or so have been so hard for me. But recently things have been looking up.

I have been struggling with what I think is IBS, thankfully....most of the symptoms are gone now after I took peppermint oil capsules but it was there for over a month. Everything was going well until Sunday night. Where I realized that I had to go pee more often than usual. When I day that, it means I usually get the urge every two and a half hours or so. Which is a lot more for me than before. I noticed through February I would sometimes get this on and off lower abdomen tightness and pressure but most recently this would start to happen every time in have to go to the bathroom. Does this sound UTI related?

The pressure worsens after 2 hours, I can hold in the urine for at least another hour but the longer I wait the more pressure and tightness I feel. It also hurts my lower abdomen when I bend down during the time of this. The sensation doesn't wake me up at night, but I wake up in the morning with tons of pressure and tightness and just a very bloated feeling until I urinate. I don't have any burning sensations when I pee, and my pee has been almost a clear colour every day, I also don't have a fever or chills.

I forgot to mention, I sometimes feel this bit of pain on my private areas. Could that also be a symptom of UTI?

Catherine S
21-03-14, 16:23
Its probably best to check with your doc or health centre nurse really as we can't really make diagnosis. It does sound like a uti but only your doc would know for this for sure as they usually ask for a urine sample to diagnose this.

21-03-14, 16:29
I agree with ISB fully. You need to check with your doctor to rule out an infection. We cannot tell you in any way a diagnosis….-- but, Jenn, here's the thing, Love, …we also know that you are dealing with HA- and over the last few months it isn't truly getting better- wouldn't you agree? So, while you are consulting your doctor over your current set of symptoms….would you please consider having a very honest conversation with her concerning your HA? Sweetie, you don't have to live like this. How seriously are you working toward recovery? I was so excited to see your post awhile back about your tips for derealization……, but what tools are you being given and are you forging in your battle against your HA?

Round in circles
21-03-14, 18:44
Increased urination can be a sign of a uti, but only the doc can know for sure. Incidentally if it is a uti, best not to try to hold it in.