View Full Version : Tongue cancer this time!

21-03-14, 18:04
Waaaah! Everything was going so well.

I had a sore tongue (right side) a couple of months ago. I noticed it was a slightly white patch. Anyway, ignored it and pain vanished so didn't think anymore of it. 3 days ago it started again, stinging when certain foods touch it and when it catches my teeth. This time however, I can't let it go!

When I look real close with a torch I can see a tiny yellow mark underneath the white area. (Not sure if white area vanished the first time as didn't check once pain went). Being the fool I am I consulted Dr Google! All images lead to 'IT' as do descriptions. Found somewhere all white patches with an ulceration is most likely a malignancy.

Been to Drs and he's not worried, have me antibiotics as thinks it's an infection from maybe biting it at some point. Why can't I believe him?!?!

21-03-14, 18:45
You have to remember that your Doctor is a far better source of information than Google. If only Google knew of all the problems it caused!
Please try not to worry - believe me I know how hard that is. Take the antibiotics and see how it goes. If its still there after taking them, go back to your GP.

Round in circles
21-03-14, 18:47
I'm no doc, but I'd imagine that if you can only see the tiny yellow mark with a torch then it'll all be okay. I don't even want to contemplate what I'd find if I went at my mouth with a torch :winks:

Edit: just remembered the time I went to get a wisdom tooth pulled at the dental hospital. The dentist did an exam of my mouth beforehand. She asked me if I had issues with anxiety to which I said yes. She told me that I have lots of little bite marks on the inside of my cheeks from clenching my jaw!

21-03-14, 21:39
Hopefully it is just down to anxiety and I've caught my tongue on my teeth. I console myself with the fact it's been sore once and that went away so surely if it was anything to worry about then it would just progress. Fingers crossed it goes again!! Thanks for replies :)

Round in circles
23-03-14, 22:09
If it's any consolation, I seem to have managed to strain my tongue while eating dinner last night! :roflmao:

23-03-14, 22:23
Could it be an ulcer? Some people are susceptible to them ?

25-03-14, 19:19
Not sure what it is. No change and still hurts. More googling has taken place resulting in a massive health anxiety patch! Hate this feeling :weep:

27-03-14, 17:34
Just spotted your comment circles! How on Earth?! :D

Been to docs again today (my own this time). He took one look and said 'you've bit your tongue'! Looked at my teeth and on that side a couple of them kind of go inwards. He made me relax my tongue and he said it sits perfectly with those inward teeth!!