View Full Version : Having a bad day

Round in circles
21-03-14, 18:07
It started with my mum suggesting I go to the Boots chemist near me to get anti histamines for a possible food allergy. I have pretty extreme short term memory problems, and in my anxious state I made no connection that the Boots she was talking about was infact the chemist I have sworn several times never to go to again.

I worked up the nerve and as I got nearer and saw the sign, I realised it was THAT chemist. Urgh. I took a deep breath and went in anyway. Luckily there was no one else in there as it's tiny inside. I got some advice from the pharmacist about the food allergy and since I'm registered there I can get "everyday remedies" for free. I didn't know however that it had to get prepared just like a prescription and I'd have to wait. I turned round and there were 6 to 8 people who had all just appeared since I came in.

It's the chemist right next to the doctor's so I guess that's why it got busy. I tried to stand out the way of everyone but there was nowhere to go. I ended up having to wedge myself in a corner, all the time trying to look some kind of normal. It was way too hot in there and so many people in such a small space made me feel really claustrophobic. There was a woman beside me coughing the whole time which was freaking me out as I have a bad immune system and am terrified of catching bugs.

The whole time my brain was screaming that I need to get out of here now. Several times I almost walked out without the pills. On the way home, I bought a whole load of junk food. Binged the lot, then purged everything.

Today has really, really not been a good day.

21-03-14, 18:22
But you stood your ground and got the pills :)

Round in circles
21-03-14, 18:32
That I did. Soo glad I'm home though!

21-03-14, 18:44
And you went into a boots that you said you'd never go into again, so another small victory:)

21-03-14, 18:45
Don't think how bad it was, instead you should praise yourself for achieving what you set out to do :)

Round in circles
21-03-14, 19:00
I will, I promise. Just getting over the panicky bit. I had a full blown panic attack when I got home, but only feeling edgy now. That's progress :D

21-03-14, 19:07
Relax for the rest of the evening now :)

Round in circles
21-03-14, 19:35
Thanks :) starting to feel a bit more normal now.

21-03-14, 19:38
Normal? How boring lol. Seriously though you did good today:)

Round in circles
21-03-14, 20:31
Normal? How boring lol. Seriously though you did good today:)

I know, right? Hehe

21-03-14, 20:56
Don't think how bad it was, instead you should praise yourself for achieving what you set out to do :)

100% agree! That's a huge victory and something to build upon!

Positive thoughts