View Full Version : Help..Worst day

21-03-14, 18:39
I am on day 12 of 2.5mgs of cit...I was taking it in the a.m. and decided to switch to the night,so I would not feel the side effects as much. Yesterday, I had a little bit better day..My husband even took me to the nursery for a couple of hours (we are growers, we started a nursery in memory of our son)..I took my ativan in the morning and stayed a few hours..I was not great, but it was a improvement. Took my cit last night about 7, then took my ativan at 9..Feel asleep and dreamt like crazy.. Had a really hard time waking up this morning, just felt really off..Then the panic set in..So bad, The chest pains, breaking out in a sweat, dizzy, disoriented, my mind racing saying this is it..I took a ativan and waiting to calm down..What the hell!!! I get a couple hours of slight improvement and now it is worse than ever..I am going to try taking the cit at lunchtime today...I just feel horrible..Just don't know what to do...thanks for listening.

21-03-14, 18:45
Keep going:) its only day 12.

21-03-14, 18:55
See my post latest post 'Increasing citalopram dose side-effects'.

EVERYTHING you are experiencing is completely normal. Its actually very understated just how hard the initial symptoms/side effects can be. They are insufferable and can feel like torture. Remember to keep reminding yourself that it is due to the Citalopram, and that you WILL get through this. Don't trust any judgements on any big issues on your mind at the moment. You're not in a position to view things accurately.

What you're experiencing is not a reflection of your mental state, but due to the citalopram.

We're all with you on this. Hope it passes soon.

21-03-14, 22:14
Absolutely spot on AAO...not an easy time WP but it will get better.

Keep in touch. In my early days, I seemed to be in NMP all of the time!!!

22-03-14, 06:57
Hi weplant,

I've noticed you've been posting a lot regarding your side effects. You need to believe that the side effects are normal and that the citalopram will work! Everyone will experience different side effects, some worse than others. Constantly doubting the medication is not beneficial for its effectiveness. Easier said than done, but try and believe that it will work and the side effects will pass.

In my first two weeks of citalopram I wrote off every bad feeling as a side effect of medication. It helped me to not dwell on those side effects too much. I'm on day 18 now and I'm not getting any side effects at all! My mood and anxiety has greatly improved! I also felt dizzy, delirious, tired, nauseous, anxious and depressed during the first two weeks. I also got headaches, derealisation, diarrhoea and had no sex drive. But to be honest, I didn't feel that bad because I believed in the medication and accepted the possible side effects. Pain and discomfort are merely inconveniences if we decide they are worth going through!

Also, I've noticed that you seem to be taking Lorazepam on a daily basis. Benzodiazepines are extremely helpful in times like these, but they could also be causing you to feel dizzy, tired and 'out of it'. I know I've felt like that in the past after using diazepam daily for a week or two.

Are you using other methods to help you during this journey? CBT? Mindfulness? Healthy diet and exercise?

I wish you all the best! :)

22-03-14, 18:25
Hi weplant,

I've noticed you've been posting a lot regarding your side effects. You need to believe that the side effects are normal and that the citalopram will work! Everyone will experience different side effects, some worse than others. Constantly doubting the medication is not beneficial for its effectiveness. Easier said than done, but try and believe that it will work and the side effects will pass.

In my first two weeks of citalopram I wrote off every bad feeling as a side effect of medication. It helped me to not dwell on those side effects too much. I'm on day 18 now and I'm not getting any side effects at all! My mood and anxiety has greatly improved! I also felt dizzy, delirious, tired, nauseous, anxious and depressed during the first two weeks. I also got headaches, derealisation, diarrhoea and had no sex drive. But to be honest, I didn't feel that bad because I believed in the medication and accepted the possible side effects. Pain and discomfort are merely inconveniences if we decide they are worth going through!

Also, I've noticed that you seem to be taking Lorazepam on a daily basis. Benzodiazepines are extremely helpful in times like these, but they could also be causing you to feel dizzy, tired and 'out of it'. I know I've felt like that in the past after using diazepam daily for a week or two.

Are you using other methods to help you during this journey? CBT? Mindfulness? Healthy diet and exercise?

I wish you all the best! :)
Hi, Thanks for your response. I guess I am on such a low dose I find it hard to beleive it is going to work..However, I do know that a lot of people do very well on very low doses of antidepressants, exprecially if they are very med sensitive like I am..It's all part of the fear thing..It is a never ending battle..I was so against taking the benzo's, but my psychiatrist felt I really needed some help to keep me in a calmer place. So I am taking .5ativan in the morning and .5 at bed. I hate living in fear all the time and I want this to work so bad. I tried prozac for 6 weeks and was not helping at all..I did take Lexapro about 5 years (i was in a better place then) and it did take the edge off the anxiety, however Igained a ton of weight..Yikes..My doc felt the cit would be better because it has a extra ingredient that is more calming..I will not give up..I will give this at least a couple of months and try to believe it is going to work..I know that by thinking it will not work, well then it probobly won't. I up my dose by another 1/2 ml today..
I am also seeing a therpist who is helping me deal with my sons death. we are doing cbt, eft (tapping) visualization, etc. Again, thank you for your input...debbie

22-03-14, 19:18
Citalopram having an effect on you is not dependent on you thinking it will or it won't. Its not like a placebo, its very much physical. I think the point is that while you're experiencing the horrific (temporary) side effects, you HAVE to tell yourself that you will get better - its the only way to deal with them. Believe me, this drug has changed my existence over the past few years. You don't just suddenly wake up feeling better one day. The days slowly get better and you look back and realise how much better you are. But with citalopram, its very important to get the dose right, so just recognise that it could take a little adjusting for you. Stick it out is my advise.

22-03-14, 20:34
Citalopram having an effect on you is not dependent on you thinking it will or it won't. Its not like a placebo, its very much physical. I think the point is that while you're experiencing the horrific (temporary) side effects, you HAVE to tell yourself that you will get better - its the only way to deal with them. Believe me, this drug has changed my existence over the past few years. You don't just suddenly wake up feeling better one day. The days slowly get better and you look back and realise how much better you are. But with citalopram, its very important to get the dose right, so just recognise that it could take a little adjusting for you. Stick it out is my advise.
I couldn't agree more..great post!!

23-04-14, 18:17
I have always took mine at night because they make me sleepy, a few nights i will wake up and cant get back to sleep unless i watch tv and just fall back!

24-04-14, 14:04
Hi Debbie, How are you today?
