View Full Version : new 2 the forum thing, wierd headach... worried about anurysm please please help>>

21-03-14, 23:37
I am new to the forum thing but i have read a few here and it helped. I am a 26 year old male 6'1 200 lbs and healthy. but for some reasonim scared i have an anyrysm. i have a headach thats on top of my head. it almost feels like ints in the center of my head. its hrd to describe but its not bad at all it hurts for a second and goes away sometimes doesnt come back for a while. this plus the other day like a couple weeks ago i had a numbness on the right side of my lower lip wich was wierd. so i am putting these together and thinking that it could be an anurysm. im loosing it just onlone for hours.
some of the stuff i read makes me feel better but all in all its just messingme up.
has anyone ever had these symptoms??
i dont smoke or drink and i have no family history and like i said i am 26 hispnice male and im healthy.
is this rare or iscan it happen to me??
please halp thank you:flowers:yesyes:

21-03-14, 23:50
Welcome :) When in doubt, see a medical professional. Everyone gets twinges, pains and such. A sharp pain that lasts only a second is pretty normal IMO. If it persists or gets worse, see your doctor.

Positive thoughts

21-03-14, 23:57
Hi love the answer is yes I have had these symptoms I thought mine was BT its horrible what are minds do to us as fishmanpa advanced if it continues get it checked I'm sure it will pass x

22-03-14, 00:20
Me too I've had these pains too. Mine are my sinuses. Most people don't know this but there are sinsuses on top of the head.

22-03-14, 13:54
Thanks guys ... my thing is that once i think about it for some reason i start feeling every single symptom .. i though i had blurred vision and ect. thank you tho.
i cant seek medical proffesion or i wont be allowed back in to any dr.s office lmoa i have been so often its not even funny.

i had a ct scan like 2 years ago because i got hit in the face with a softball and i had a tiny little bleed but after i got better the ct scan was clear.

this is when my anxiety started to develop really badly but i appreciate all the help from you guys replying to my post. and to know that you have had similar headaches in that location really helps out alot.

i have to stop this its not good. but thanks again

---------- Post added at 13:54 ---------- Previous post was at 13:50 ----------

question tho is it common for someone my age to develope this type of thing?

22-03-14, 14:15
I agree with Fishmanpa.

For reassurance get it checked. I am sure if you have been Googling you will know that it is very rare but possible.


22-03-14, 15:02
Its comes like regualr headach u know just randomly then goes away for a week or 2 or sometimes couple days like a regular headach

its just in a wierd spot...and its kinda hard to get it checked unless its a ct scan. And the last one I had 2 years ago was fine... u think I should still get it looked at

22-03-14, 15:07
Unfortunately, no one can tell you that. Ultimately, you have to gauge the symptoms with what you feel needs attention and reassurance.

Positive thoughts

03-04-14, 19:27
Just fyi I took the advice and went to the dr. Got a ct scan. Pretty funny story the nurse comes in and says" umm well theres a lesion in your head... nothing to worry about its not tumor or anything but u might need to see a neurologist to burn that area and blah blah blah" well I almost fainted cuz all I heard was lesion. As I sot and wait for the dr. She comes in and says " hey hows it goin... so whats your concern y are you here.?" Im so confused I told her the symptoms...(wich included a small area that felt paraliszed for a couple days ..I forgot to mention) and she said well your fine. Again im still confused cuz the nurse said the opposite so I told her what the nurse said.... she just looked at me with this :doh: face and said. The lesion is encephalomalacia from trauma from a baseball accident 3 yrs ago. She said its always been there and always going tobe there ... no treatment for it so relax... I have mo other symptoms. .. just go home lmao few!!! Thanks ypu guys for respongding this whole forum thing is pretty cool. But I need a therapist because now I have another scare. Ill post a new thread not to bore u but .. thanks again