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View Full Version : control freak !!!

29-11-06, 09:05
Hi all

I posted a similar post to this on another forum but think I should have posted it here. Earlier in the year I was having really bad panic attacks I went to a group called "Control your Panic" and now I have learned ways to control the panic attacks. But now I have an obsession with the control !!!! I know I have to control my breathing ..... slow and use the diaphram slow down the breathing etc. Well now I cant stop thinking about breathing !!!! Feel like I am going crazy !! And I just cant switch off the thought I am thinking about trying hypnosis but have spent so much money on different "cures" over the years that Im not sure if I should spend more money on something that wont work. I have been taken advantage of by so called therapists who assured me they could help only to be dissapointed. Has anyone else had any success with hypnosis?


Rachel Ball
30-11-06, 23:42
Hi there, I have a very similar thing, it's very common, so you're not alone. I obsess about many different things, breathing being one of them. I'ts pretty much like mental torture as you are aware of the majority of breaths you take and you're mind is focussed on that and not alot else.

My advice to you is not to make it become to important. Change the way you think about it. Instead of seeing it as the enemy, see it for how it began, which was something to help you with the panic. If you fight it, it will become much stronger. There are hundreds of people in the world who are trying to learn how to breath properly using their diapraghm, it's meant to be a very meditative thing. Tell your brain 'oh, this is good, we are doing a very positive thing here' (the bit that says 'oh **** what if I think about breathing forever' we'll keep that to ourselves, don't let on your worried!!). When you think about doing it, do it all the more, sounds weird but you're going to be thinking about it anyway, so make it your choice and on your terms. It is an absolute pain in the bum, but give it time and the fear you attach to it will recede.

I tried hypnosis, it did'nt work for me unfortunately.xx