View Full Version : Hey everyone

22-03-14, 00:59
Hey, I'm 21 and have panic disorder with agoraphobia. The first panic attack I remember having was when I was 6 years old. As a child I was anxious and wouldn't do things on my own. When I started university it got worse as I moved away from all my family and friends. I started having daily panic attacks and couldn't leave my room for days at a time. The NHS failed to do anything further than diagnose me because I'm at uni for 6 months a year and at home the other 6 months, so I'm not anywhere long enough to do anything. I tried private counselling and have some amazing friends who have helped me, but it is still a daily struggle. I feel like my friends and family can't really understand and I'm looking for somewhere that I can relate to people and find ways to deal with my anxiety without being told to just snap out of it. Hopefully this website is the place :unsure:

22-03-14, 01:23
hey there just-an-illiusion - I can totally relate to the situation where you are moving about and not anywhere long enough to get help. This happened to me when my partner and I had major issues and I was between cornwall and london - desperately trying to get my life in order.
What triggered your panic attacks? Do you know?
I think the NHS struggles to keep up with the complexities of the various mental health issues out there these days. We put things in boxes and make diagnoses for practicalities sake, but really in scientific terms, it's early days in understanding mental health variations.
My best advice is this: You are only human, and we now live in a world that has exceeded in many ways, the human capacity for processing daily life demands. Do your best, but more importantly, do what you believe to be morally right. If you feel strong and sure - other people will take strength from your integrity. We are all leaders xx

23-03-14, 17:28
Thank you for the reply.

It is horrible being told multiple times that they won't do anything because waiting lists are too long and I move too often. It caused me to suffer from depression quite badly. I try everyday to remember I'm only human, not too easy since I'm a perfectionist too.

I'm not sure what triggered my panic attacks, as I said the first one was when I was 6 and I only remember not being able to breath and thinking I was dying while my brother and sister tried to calm me down before our parents got home. When I moved to uni and they got worse, I think it was just because I wasn't able to cope with them when I had people around who I trusted so when I was alone in a different place I just didn't cope at all.