View Full Version : Hypochondriacs should NOT take Anatomy!

22-03-14, 02:42
I'm taking anatomy right now and I'm doing research on the heart and what does my heart do? It starts racing XD

Do you guys have any similar experiences where your health anxiety interferes with work or school? (I'm just trying to find a cheery topic aside from freaking out over every little thing my body does)

22-03-14, 02:54
I work around a lot of hospitals. Sometimes I have to deliver stuff to cancer specialists where I see people of all ages sick. Other times I'm around critically sick people that have to wear masks.. and often times I take a lot of that home with me, worried that I've contracted something. Or that my last Dr visit I was misdiagnosed. I think when you have a health sensitivity it's normal to feel this way, often times I find the best medicine is distraction like music or watching a funny movie to break the mindset.

It's hard to be around sick people when you are scared of being sick so you aren't alone. If anything you should find comfort in learning how our bodies work, seeing how things evolve and how they function in our bodies.

This has an opposite effect on you?

22-03-14, 02:58
I guess so. I'm always thinking "what if that part of my body is messed up?" UGH But I do think it is interesting to find how the body works, too. I have a love/hate relationship.

22-03-14, 03:17
Surely we can have issues, but there are a lot of factors that add to this issues like: are you young enough to have heart problems? Do you smoke? Have a bad diet? Overweight? Underweight? Any medical issues? Diagnosed? Family history? Last time you had a physical?

I'm not asking you personally to tell me these questions lol I'm not a doctor but after dealing with this HA I've picked up on a lot of the terminology they use when they ask me questions. Then follow up with statistics and lab work results.

Heart issues seem to be my fall back plan when I'm told everything is fine. I actively listen for my heart.. Sometimes I think it's beating out of control and I feel my pulse and it's normal..

Was there an event that made you more aware of your body? And now you think something is always wrong. Kinda how it happened with me. I took a rock star with a big allergy pill 24 hour relief. . And had 3 big cups of iced tea at lunch one day and felt like my heart was going to explode or stop.. went to emergency with a 160/90 and ever since then I've been super heart sensitive.