View Full Version : I come from a long line of hypochondriacs.

22-03-14, 02:54
Hi everyone,

Can't believe I found this site. I found it by googling my symptoms. Just what a person should be doing on a Friday night! I know that I should be banned from googling symptoms because it just feeds the fire of my health anxiety. In the past year I have been convinced that I had pancreatic ovarian, cervical, breast, thyroid cancer. (which I don't) then MS, ALS, ah whatever, the list can go on and on. I feel there were a game show on t.v. that listed symptoms as hints I could be rich right now.

I know that my mother is a hyphochondriac, my grandmother before her....
When my brother got Mono when he was twelve my mom told him if he got sicker it would turn into leukemia! Just an example of one of the many things she would tell us. In fact I knew so much about diseases by the time that I was 10 years old.....

So I guess you'd be thinking why the hell don't I have a handle on this by now? Well the long and the short answer of it is that I did go to therapy years ago, got better (or so I thought) and travelled... but now I am a stay at home mom and I believe the two factors (home and child) are breeding grounds for anxiety/health anxiety. Too easy to focus on every ache and pain that I feel in my body.

My anxiety has gotten better since giving up alcohol, caffeine, refined sugar.... but yet it's still there... I am reading a book that I recommend it's called "It's Not All In Your Head" for anyone who also suffers from Health Anxiety. I have been googling symptoms for a very long time... and tonight it brought me here.

22-03-14, 06:05
and I thought googling was a bad idea! :winks:

22-03-14, 10:25
Hi, and welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of support, advice and coping strategies here :)