View Full Version : Is it possible to have anxiety without knowing it?

22-03-14, 04:34
So I'm sitting here cool calm and collected, or so it seems. But I keep getting palpitations randomly... I don't feel anxiety at the moment. Nor do I feel stressed out. I had a Dr pepper about 7 hours ago. Just a small can nothing crazy.

I have a "lump" in my throat and I get the skipped beat/palpitation every so often.. maybe 3 times in last 15 minutes but randomly throughout the day.

I'm attached to listening to my heart I "feel" beating all the time so I'm always aware of it.

Just wondering how you guys feel and if you know what I'm talking about?

Hate it! Cause even though it's normal to get them when you are focused on it, it just doesn't feel right. Lol

22-03-14, 04:48
You can get palpitations without having anxiety. It could be lack of sleep maybe? Or dehydration. It can happen along with hormonal changes or because of an overactive thyroid but you can also get palpitations because of stress rather than anxiety.

Pretty much the thing I find myself saying on here a lot: Better safe than sorry, I'd talk to your Dr.

22-03-14, 05:12
I've talked to them.

I've had a ECG a stress ECG blood work and talked to a cardiologist they all said everything looks fine.

Which is why I'm wondering if I can have anxiety or stress without knowing that I'm stressed or anxious. I guess this is possible..

22-03-14, 06:23
I can remember having some symptoms quite a while before the anxiety became apparent. Maybe it was a warning sign to change?

I had lower back twinges in important meetings and some slight anxiety and as I stayed under all that pressure, it built up to now.

So, it could be. Maybe it just means to use techniques to reduce anxiety so that it doesn't progress to the level where you need help?

22-03-14, 06:41
It could be a sign you need to relax more or maybe yeah, change something, anxiety or not.
I hope you work it out x

23-03-14, 05:09
I've had numerous tests done, and I've been diagnosed with GAD. I take Ativan as needed but haven't had to take it in over 2 weeks..

I guess I'm confused because if all I have is anxiety and I'm not feeling anxiety at the moment but I'm getting palpitations and annoying chest pains. If I'm somehow stressed and anxious with out feeling it.

23-03-14, 13:48
I believe the answer is absolutely yes!

I will say that having spent time on these boards, I recognized the symptoms immediately. I've often spoken of my "scanxiety". During the early part of my recovery, I didn't have any anxiety issues that obviously presented themselves. I guess I was so focused on just getting better I didn't have time to worry about anything else. I did go through a bout of some minor depression but that's passed.

However, now that I'm almost a year out, those check ups are much more stressful and I noticed an increased level of irritability and this last time I even had some pretty intense chest pain that prompted a visit to the ER. It turns out that the physical manifestations of stress and anxiety along with some acid reflux were the culprit. I recognized it and even stated it to the doctors but based on my history they checked me out thoroughly.

So... even though you may be calm and collected on the outside, your body may be reacting to what it "perceives" to be a threat. That can release adrenalin and cause physical symptoms. Your propensity to be hyper aware of your heart indeed can cause this reaction.

Positive thoughts

24-03-14, 00:53
I believe the answer is absolutely yes!

I will say that having spent time on these boards, I recognized the symptoms immediately. I've often spoken of my "scanxiety". During the early part of my recovery, I didn't have any anxiety issues that obviously presented themselves. I guess I was so focused on just getting better I didn't have time to worry about anything else. I did go through a bout of some minor depression but that's passed.

However, now that I'm almost a year out, those check ups are much more stressful and I noticed an increased level of irritability and this last time I even had some pretty intense chest pain that prompted a visit to the ER. It turns out that the physical manifestations of stress and anxiety along with some acid reflux were the culprit. I recognized it and even stated it to the doctors but based on my history they checked me out thoroughly.

So... even though you may be calm and collected on the outside, your body may be reacting to what it "perceives" to be a threat. That can release adrenalin and cause physical symptoms. Your propensity to be hyper aware of your heart indeed can cause this reaction.

Positive thoughts

Thank you Fishmanpa this is exactly what I was wondering.. I wasn't sure if I was describing it correctly but you seem to have hit the nail on the head so to speak.

Catherine S
24-03-14, 01:18
Mbarger, I've had these missed beats and flutters since i was in my 20s and am now an old bird. Ironically my doctor suffers with them too...he takes beta blockers for it, as do I and they help alot with it. But here's the thing...everybody gets them but not everybody feels them. For example...I have a home blood pressure monitor and my hubby wanted to take his BP one day, which he did. These machines also show your pulse by beeping, and his pulse was actually showing missed beats, but he wasn't aware of them and never feels them, how unfair is that? I don't know why some of us feel them and others don't, but ive kind of learned to live with them. I don't think after all these years they're going away so I've had to change my attitude towards them because I know they are not harmful, just uncomfortable.

24-03-14, 03:36
Have you read the ingredients list on Dr Peppers? HEre it is:


None of that is actually food and any or all of it could contribute to your symptoms.

24-03-14, 12:43
mbarger33, i can totally relate to how you're feeling. I can go for a while without a panic attack, and then all of a sudden the symptoms appear from nowhere, even if i've not been stressed or thinking about panic. like BAM and i feel so panicked. Thats why i joined this forum and have started the cbt. I assumed that panic attacks always follow stress but thats not the case. they literally come from nowhere. BUT i know its just anxiety now so i don't dwell on it so much (or try not to lol)

25-03-14, 04:41
Glad you managed to get a diagnosis, that makes it easier to deal with for sure, now you know what you're up against :) x

25-03-14, 10:26
I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, Mbarger. Sitting on the couch, having a pleasant evening reading/watching TV and suddenly - palpitations or skipped beats or that funny feeling of my heart turning over or a lump in my throat. Or all of it at once.

Fishmanpa mentioned acid reflux and our (unwitting) responses to perceived threat, and that completely resonates for me. Taking an antacid helps (but of course I never remember this until I've taken a ride on the "OMG am I dying" carousel).

25-03-14, 13:53
I guess it's part of the recovery process. I always thought that these attacks would have to be felt all the time like I would have to feel down or have a bad day for anxiety, but now I'm starting to understand that this is a full blown 24/7 operation. For now my symptoms seem to be focused around my chest pains and lower right quadrant abdominal discomfort.

I've been checked over by a cardiologist and just finished my gastrointestinal specialist. Both felt there was nothing wrong based on tests. But these continue to be my hot spots. .

Most of the time I feel normal and just deal with the issues and recently I haven't been paying them much attention so I thought I was getting better which is why I had the question of having anxiety and stress without feeling the effects. For examples do my chest pains cause me to subconsciously worrie which in turns causes my stomach to cramp which is probably what the constant on off pain is in my lower right section? Which would then explain the bowel issues I have?

I guess the hard part is not officially being diagnosed with general anxiety but being treated for general anxiety symptoms by my doctors.

My gastrointestinal doctor never said it could be IBS so I guess in my mind not having a diagnoses is sometimes hard to deal with because we all know the mind takes an idea or fear and runs a marathon for weeks about it! Haha

Thanks for all the replies it always helps knowing you aren't the only one with what feels like specific issues.