View Full Version : Beer problems

22-03-14, 05:04
When I had a beer recently I got very light headed and dizzy. Within a few minutes of starting it, not even after one pint.
I drank it again a few more times on other occasions and the same thing happened. Now, you'll be pleased to know, I'm avoiding it.
I've never had that reaction before and I'm pretty worried.
Not just because I like drinking, I am worried it's a symptom of something worse.

My boyfriend thinks its because of my anxiety, and that I'm just imagining it but I really don't think I am.

Anyone else get this or anything like it?

22-03-14, 06:20
Are you taking any anti-depressant medication? Some state alcohol should be avoided and some don't.

Mine doesn't state it should be avoided, it instead says that care should be taken. I did some Googling to see what others had experienced and found a) some were not affected b) some got hammered on far less than they would normally drink c) some got hammered on far less than they would normally drink and their character was different to their normal drunked one according to their friends and d) some suffered increased hangovers and/or issues with their anxiety.

So, it could be that. On these medications, it's working on the brain so it follows that it could interact with the alcohol in some ways.

22-03-14, 06:47
I'm not taking anything no. I just moved house so I don't even have a gp at the moment haha.

22-03-14, 06:49
It could just be the anxiety then.

I used to smoke, I've given up now, but I can remember having a few dizzy spells when I smoked but didn't drink - about 3 occasions, all of which were at work where I was the most stressed by a long way!

How did you feel before? Did you go out, because I know you've said you have agoraphobia so would be really stressed in a pub?

22-03-14, 07:04
Incredible memory! I was at home but I've been very very low and completely on edge for a while.
The last few days I've been feeling more myself again thankfully but I'm scared to drink beer at all now. I've had a few dizzy moments without the aid of beer but beer made it much worse. Could be the anxiety though I don't know how/why.

High five for giving up the smokes, I did too, 8 months :D

22-03-14, 08:04
Does it happen with all alcohol or just beer?
Maybe if you don't drink very often it just affects you more?
I can't drink more than two shorts without having a dreadful hangover the next day. Dr doesn't seem to think it odd and maybe just because I very rarely drink it affects me more. My liver tests I had a while back were fine so nothing to do with that.

22-03-14, 08:20
Yeah, high five or even a high ten as I've got both hands free now!
No more standing in the cold either!
It could easily just be the anxiety. Did you suddenly stand up or over balance for some reason which would do it sometimes.

You could try it again and if it doesn't happen, you know it can't be that. Mummy anxious made a point with whether its just beer that you could try out.

It would be best to try I think rather than let it build up another issue for you. I can remember getting the same about taking pills at one point because of something that gave me a bad reaction and it really is a matter of exposure to get over it.

Anxiety really messes your head up. Ever done something that gives you a weird sensation and then heard those anxious thoughts questioning whether it was something bad? It sounds similar to this.

Round in circles
22-03-14, 12:07
I don't drink anymore, but some years ago I had a spell where I couldn't drink vodka. Half a glass of vodka and coke would make me extremely ill, with an awful hangover to boot. I never did figure out what caused it. I stopped drinking for about a year and eventually I managed to tolerate alcohol again. I never went back to vodka that said.

22-03-14, 12:12
Interesting RIC do you have it with all shorts or just vodka? And does the mixer make a difference? I might try a different beverage as I've suggested here and see if I have the same reaction.

22-03-14, 12:18
When I am most anxious ANY alcohol makes me worse:mad:

Round in circles
22-03-14, 12:19
It started with just vodka. At first I thought it was because I'd had a cheap brand, but when I tried better ones I had the same reaction. I also tried different mixers with no success. It progressed to the point where my body point blank wouldn't tolerate alcohol of any kind. I've no idea what triggered it. Maybe it was my body telling me to slow down with the student lifestyle!

22-03-14, 12:46
That's like me totally. No idea why but I just can't drink these days. Such a shame as I do like an odd glass of wine here and there :/

22-03-14, 13:45
I can't drink anymore due to medication but when I did I used to get a fast heart rate after one drink. There was no medical reason for it though, it was just drinking on top of anxiety - they do not mix.

22-03-14, 13:53
Mind you I don't suffer from anxiety. I have my bouts with "scanxiety" but it's not an everyday thing. However, I've been given a med to take during those times and I'm not to drink if I'm taking it. For those who chronically suffer and are on meds, it's proven to be a detriment and not recommended at all.

I can't drink wine or hard liquor due to my cancer and surgeries. They burn my throat. I haven't had hard stuff a long time anyway but I did enjoy a good wine now and again. So after many months of recovery, I've been able to enjoy a beer or two now and again. I've taken to purchasing a mixed six pack of different brands and types and "reviewing" them so to speak. I pour it, take photos and write a review.

My problem with beer is that there are so many great ones out there! ~lol~

Positive thoughts

19-04-17, 15:39
I get adrenaline & fidgety legs & arms, plus anxiety about riding my motorcycle. I drink about 4 units of weaker ale an evening (two pints) four pints on a friday & about 8 on saturday at the football. I'm NEVER over the limit but I find that a pint or two really calms my nerves before riding, trouble is it's not ideal to rely on this method of relaxation.

I'm going to really try & cut down especially now the football season is nearly over.

19-04-17, 16:25
I get adrenaline & fidgety legs & arms, plus anxiety about riding my motorcycle. I drink about 4 units of weaker ale an evening (two pints) four pints on a friday & about 8 on saturday at the football. I'm NEVER over the limit but I find that a pint or two really calms my nerves before riding, trouble is it's not ideal to rely on this method of relaxation.

I'm going to really try & cut down especially now the football season is nearly over.

Tell me I've read that wrong and Fridays and Saturdays aren't days you ride your motorbike?

28-04-17, 00:06
Tell me I've read that wrong and Fridays and Saturdays aren't days you ride your motorbike?

I'm neither selfish or stupid.

28-04-17, 15:40
I am the same way, its my anxiety!! Im fine until i feel the first symptom then I get so anxious i end up having a panick attack.

20-07-17, 05:26
I am the same way, its my anxiety!! Im fine until i feel the first symptom then I get so anxious i end up having a panick attack.

I think that must be what happens, it still happens occasionally now, I started this thread 3 years ago! Although I dont have to feel anxious for it to happen.