View Full Version : I just wanna cry

22-03-14, 05:12
Well its just gone 5 am an I'm ip almost in tears my Ha is just so bad, along with all the symptoms of chest pain an rapid hb, I've got a uti and infection on my lower right gum which is causing tootache so I've spent the last hour trying to convince myself I'm not terminally ill all I can think is that I have something so wrong that my immune system is to low to fight which is why I'm always not well lately :( plz someone help x

22-03-14, 05:21
Aw babes. It sounds like you're incredibly incredibly anxious, which can cause chest tightness and rapid HB (in my experience).

Stress and anxiety screws with our immune system! Is someone with you at moment?

22-03-14, 05:35
Hi, yeah I've come fot a few days break at my mums up north although I'm returning home with my other half late this morning, I just cnt control my HA atm its really upsetting me, contemplating taking a diazepam which I haven't done since monday, but I hate taking meds plus I've had paracetamol for toothache pain :( hope your okay hun xx

22-03-14, 06:08
Toothache is horrible! Taking paracetamol and ibuprofen at the same time really helped me with the pain last time xxx

22-03-14, 06:34
Thankyou, I'm just unsure whether I can have a 2mg diazepam with the paracetamol and ibrufoen tho!! Xx

22-03-14, 06:50
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I did, I didn't even think to check! The nhs helpline may be able to tell you?

Round in circles
22-03-14, 12:47
I'm sorry it's so rough Paula. It can feel so futile when things keep falling down around us like a deck of cards. There's lots of things that only medical professionals can treat, but also things we can do that can help us feel a little more in control, especially in the wee hours where everything feels so much more magnified.

For the toothache, I highly recommend warm salt water rinses to help kill the bacteria. That's been a good stopover gap for me when I've had to wait to see the dentist. Are you taking antibiotics forthe uti? Hopefully they'll kick in soon and you'll feel a bit better. Remember to drink lots (but not too much) water too.

My immune system has been trashed for such a long time. I'm trying to eat healthily and get more exercise which seems to be helping. At the very least, I get to feel like I'm doing something about it. The feeling of helplessness can be terrifying.

22-03-14, 12:50
Did you download the cbt we talked about yet? Sorry you're still feeling bad. Please do think about taking the diazepam for a while, to give you a bit if let up while you read the cbt. Can't remember if you've got the Claire weekes book? If not please do get it its amazing

23-03-14, 11:30
The worry cure book helped me understand a lot about myself and i'm sure it may help you too , it's worth a try. I used to be so bad but I've read so much self help books that I now recognise my worries are just unwanted and down right silly thoughts that I can control it takes effort but it's worth it , you get what you put in. I try not to take myself too serious now day's because that's the problem with modern life we've become too worried about external/material things that really don't mean a thing , it's just pointless. If you take time to grow inside wonderful things and positive experiences will happen as they say , 'you reap what you sow'.