View Full Version : afraid to call in sick....

22-03-14, 07:24
At the beginning of this entire week, I have just been feeling very ill. However, I still decided that hey, I need to go to school this whole week and go to work for 2 of those weekdays. Despite being sick with a cold and having a sore throat, AND coming home after work with a fever and yet having to do my homework too, I decided that since spring break is next week, I figured that I should still try to show up and listen during all my classes and go to work because we're understaffed.

Here's the deal. I've handed in a 2 weeks notice and tomorrow happens to be my last day. But the thing is, I have to go to by friend's bday tomorrow too which starts at the same time as my work. I NEED TO BE THERE (And that's because I have to perform). I couldn't book the day off because recently, Ive only been scheduled to work once a week (weekends) for the past month, and ive only been given sunday shifts, which is why I figured I didn't have to book it off (big mistake) and plus its also my last week. I was also confused because I was scheduled to work 4 shifts this week rather than my recent 1 shift per week (sometimes no shifts).

As you can tell, my work is very disorganized, which is one of the many reasons I quit. My plan is to call in sick early tomorrow morning so the can find someone since I work in the afternoon, and so I can go to my friend's because I asked nearly everyone if they can work and it turns out I had no luck. And the reason for telling them that I am sick, its because I still sort of am (not as much as before though) and saying "well I have to perform today", to me, isnt a good enough excuse.

My problem is, with me being me, I feel guilty for calling in. Even though a part of me knows that I deserve to have a break because I worked hard this whole week at school and at work, because I was scheduled to work for someone who booked it off because they were going to a party, not to mention being ill on top of all that. Even knowing that, my worries are : a) they're not going to believe me cuz its my last day b) they cant find someone to work for me in the afternoon which makes it harder for my coworkers because they're going to be understaffed.

I also feel guilty because a voice my head is telling me that if im well enough to dance a choreographed routine, then im well enough to work. But another voice is saying that i deserve an extra break too if my coworker (who somehow makes the schedules too) can go party while I was scheduled without being asked. I mhaving anxiety about calling in tomorrow, even if they can't really fire me, and I just feel anxious whenever I have to talk on the phone. Im not sure if im doing the right thing...I also don't really know what to say because ive never called in sick (which in my opinion is more suspicious because im calling in on my last day).

This doesn't really seem like a serious issue, but if you have anxiety, you probably understand how this situation might be a problem for me :(

22-03-14, 18:00
"I've never called in sick"

So on this occasion, for all the times you've wanted to and didn't, this time, you ARE going to call in sick and you're going to enjoy it !
This ones one for you. Nobody else comes into it.
You want it don't you ?
Do it !
Enjoy it !
The world will still turn and you'll have a little bit of much needed relief.