View Full Version : I knew it all along

22-03-14, 10:40
Where do i start....I collasped last night with chest pain and SOB. A passerbye phoned for a ambulance and I was rushed it. To cut a long story short I'm being reffered for a urgent angiogram after months of begging with doctors and knowing all along I had heart disease..I feel numb...

22-03-14, 10:48
I really hope everything works out for you but at this point you still don't know for certain that it isn't anxiety causing this. What happens if your angiogram is clear? When is it? Please keep us updated and I wish you the best.

22-03-14, 10:54
Two days time. I really don't expect it to be clear and I don't think the docs do either. :( the whole thought of the procedure is terrifying

22-03-14, 10:59
Did they say that to you? Did you suggest it or them? Remind me again how old you are (I know you have a FH). Are you at home now or in hospital?

22-03-14, 11:02
They suggested it. I'm still in hospital at the moment :( I'm 23 x

22-03-14, 11:03
I am assuming they've done other testing while youve been in this time? What were the results? Not being nosy just trying to find some positives for you x

22-03-14, 11:08
Hi Kurtis,
Try to be positive....I know that is difficult at the moment...But you are in safe hands and now getting the investigation that you have wanted for a long time.... keep us updated.


22-03-14, 11:09
ECG. Which again showed signs of heart ischemia. Blood trops which where ok. But there's my obvious poor physical condition :(

22-03-14, 11:39
I agree with Sarah. try to stay positive. It may still just be anxiety. And if not, you're in hospital with countless numbers of doctors and nurses. At last you're going to get the answers you've been fighting for. :hugs:

22-03-14, 11:40
I thought all your ecgs had been clear except the last one?

22-03-14, 11:45
They had but the couple have had changes. Maybe its gradually getting worse Idk. Thanks for all the kind words guys it really helps

22-03-14, 12:02
...and just another positive thought...... if it were serious you would be in that theatre and having angiogram NOW!

Stay calm


22-03-14, 12:09
Try not to worry. Sarah is right - if it was that serious you would be having one right now. Have you been to see health professionals about this before? - If so, then they may just want to do it just to double check. What symptoms have you had previously?

22-03-14, 12:10
Thing is my first ever ECG printed out right ventricular hypotrophy. I didn't have that but the computer said I did. It's never shown again. I've had ecgs since and monitors which have all been normal bar multifocal ectopics. Again they said normal yet of course it's worrying. This time my ECG prints out normal sinus rhythm but left axis deviation. Shit myself as you know. Dr looks at it and says no you don't have that. Which I have to accept but have to admit I'm still a bit worried as I've not googled but have been having breathless episodes which scare me but I'm told its just anxiety....

Please try and be as positive as you can. You're absolutely in the right place and we're all wishing you well and keeping our fingers crossed for you.

But back to the question I asked, what if, what if, the angiogram comes back normal?

22-03-14, 12:19
If the angio comes back normal then atleast there's no blockages which would be a good sign. But they would still want to investigate more. I was having shortness of breath and chest pain on minimal exertion. Fatigue. Arm pain jaw pain ect. my gp is as thick as a plank though and its been left undiagnosed for a while

22-03-14, 12:23
Well at least now you are in the right place.... and to be fair on your GP you have been in hospital many times and had tests which so far nothing has been picked up.

Be reassured now that things will get done:hugs:

22-03-14, 12:31
If the angio comes back normal then atleast there's no blockages which would be a good sign. But they would still want to investigate more. I was having shortness of breath and chest pain on minimal exertion. Fatigue. Arm pain jaw pain ect. my gp is as thick as a plank though and its been left undiagnosed for a while

Hi Kurtis,

You know I've posted on several of your threads as well as several others who have heart fears. Of course I'm not a doctor but you've seen several, and have been tested a multitude of times much like many here who fear heart issues. Statistically, the chances of you having heart failure/disease advanced enough to cause the symptoms you describe, especially at your age are so remote that it would be one for the medical journals IMO.

Reassurance from my own experience has shown to be futile. To throw insults at your GP is unwarranted. I hope you find out what's ailing you.

Positive thoughts

22-03-14, 12:38
to be fair they wouldnt be doing a urgent angiogram without good reason. The fact is my GP has been nothing but unsympathetic and its terrible that it toke me passing out in the street for it to be taken seriously.

22-03-14, 12:44
Why didn't you go and see a different gp?
FMP is right, we're all rooting for you but you've had many many clear tests and your age is on your side. Remember FMP went through all this and it turned out to be scanxiety?
I'm having all the same symptoms as you. I've been told I don't have anything wrong with me. Slowly I'm starting to recover. It's a long recovery.

22-03-14, 12:48
Kurtis, I'm hoping and praying for a speedy recovery for you. With that said, I am probably going to say something that will be quite unpopular. This is the kind of post (not your fault) that some people with HA are going to pick up and run with. I can see people begin to question their own physicians and their own benign test results and once again become even more convinced that they have a very serious illness that has been left untreated.
I assume that you have some type of anxiety issues. I see nowhere on this thread where people are talking about what they need to do to recover from their anxiety. Isn't that the most important thing when you have anxiety? How do I change my thought processes and overcome the battle of anxiety?
With that said, I hope all is well and that your tests turn out fine. Hopefully, you can then begin to treat your anxiety.

22-03-14, 12:51
I saw sevreral but my GP pretty much decimated my notes so any other GP I saw toke one glance at my file and shook there head. The doctor said to me this morning that the fact my ecgs where ok but have now devolped abdormal T waves is why they suspect ischemia

22-03-14, 12:56
to be fair they wouldnt be doing a urgent angiogram without good reason. The fact is my GP has been nothing but unsympathetic and its terrible that it toke me passing out in the street for it to be taken seriously.

Kurtis I am sure you have been taken seriously when you have had all your other tests.... if you weren't they would not even have bothered with the tests.
Remember an "urgent" angiogram is not one where you have to wait 2 days... it would be done immediately. That should reassure you.

We are all hoping you will have a relaxed weekend (as relaxed as possible).

Keep us updated


22-03-14, 12:57
I've seen a few people on here with abnormal t waves who were told they were ok.
I know nothing we say will make you feel any better till after Tuesday but if the results come back clear then you will have to try and put this behind you and move on. The reason I'm not saying its just anxiety is because you are in hospital and having further tests. But anxiety is a very powerful thing. I know someone who was convinced they had a brain tumour and actually lost their sight! Temporarily of course because it wasn't a BT, it was just their anxiety!

22-03-14, 12:58
Hi tanner. I do suffer from anxiety yes and my symptoms where causing me to panic alot. I've had bouts of HA in the past that turned out to be nothing at all to be concerned with and after I had been given the all clear I felt fine and went back to normal. This time Idk i just knew something really was amiss

22-03-14, 13:22

22-03-14, 13:24
Thank you Leslie x

22-03-14, 15:21
This part gets confusing, I'm going to play the advocate here.

While people are correct that it's probably anxiety based on your age.

So now the tricky part is the ECG as these are only accurate if you are having an issue at this time. For 12 seconds of capture. Which is why you can get a stress test to hope it triggers an event they can catch.. but often times valve issues and other things can't be captured by this either. Which is why there are so many other tests.

They have

Stress ECG
Holter 24,48 hours
Ultrasound ECG
Chemical ECG
Dye ultrasound

While I understand most people position on the forums here attributing this to anxiety. I believe that you also have valid point in that sometimes some doctors just don't ever look past the age factor.

Since statically these tests can miss stuff its not uncommon that other forums of diagnoses are done. Either way I hope this is just anxiety, I just thought I'd through out some statistics from the other end of the table.

I don't think you are crazy. I know being told all the time that you are fine and all these tests say so gets mind numbing sometimes when you always feel something isn't right.

Wishing the best for you! Please keep us updated regardless of the news.

22-03-14, 17:41
Mbarger I'm not being funny but your comment here is going to worry a lot of people:

So now the tricky part is the ECG as these are only accurate if you are having an issue at this time. For 12 seconds of capture. Which is why you can get a stress test to hope it triggers an event they can catch.. but often times valve issues and other things can't be captured by this either. Which is why there are so many other tests.

While I'm sure it was well meant and with good intention, all those people who have had 'just' an ECG are now going to be freaking out!

22-03-14, 17:47
your right mummya ive only had ecg done and have all same symp as kurt been told its anx but feel as if somethings wrong

22-03-14, 18:12
Mbarger I'm not being funny but your comment here is going to worry a lot of people:

So now the tricky part is the ECG as these are only accurate if you are having an issue at this time. For 12 seconds of capture. Which is why you can get a stress test to hope it triggers an event they can catch.. but often times valve issues and other things can't be captured by this either. Which is why there are so many other tests.

While I'm sure it was well meant and with good intention, all those people who have had 'just' and ECG are now going to be freaking out!

I'm sorry if my intention to help has disturbed anyone.

But if you are having chest pains and or go to the ER or are taken by ambulance and you have a real condition that is making your heart act funny and not anxiety an ECG will pick this up.

What I meant was if you go to Dr for a regular checkup and say hey sometimes my heart has palpitations. Or I've been getting these chest pains. And they hook you up right there its not going to diagnose you with anything.

that's not just something I've made up. It's just a statistic and that's why I brought it because other statistics were brought up.

I'm not a doctor or medical professional nor do I have any medical field training nor a doctors degree from google. I just listen to my doctors and the cardiologists and just relay what I've been told in hopes to help others.

Obviously this forum is to help with anxiety once all other major medical aspects are taken out. Sometimes I feel like people that should go to doctors come here to not go based on people with the same symptoms. This forum shouldn't be used as medical advice and if people are having chest pains breathing issues dizziness then they should go to the doctor first and have tests to eliminate those possibilities.

I'm not saying in this case the Kurtis is terminally ill but he may well have an issue that was missed depending on when he went to have ecgs done and if he was having chest pains at that time.

In my case I had palpitations while having a stress ECG done and based on the 15 minutes of recorded time and my other stars I was told my symptoms are "most likely" stress anxiety related.

My intentions weren't to scare people. Just to let kurtis know that his worries are genuine. Trying to offer support without saying the same thing over and over and blaming anxiety when I have no medical background to say it is or isn't. So I hope he keeps us all informed no matter how hard or scary it is to read sometimes it's a reality that we all need to read about. Most often people will come here with symptoms get told to go see a doctor and they do and never come back or update the story.. to me this is often times worse then knowing the true outcome.

I guess I take a more realistic approach to my symptoms not being anxiety related until proven not major medical issues.

Again I'm sorry if this upset anyone just trying to help the OP..

---------- Post added at 11:12 ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 ----------

The last 2 days I've been having insane palpitations without any given cause. I'm close to setting up again another appointment with my cardiologist even though I've had just about every non invasive test done.. I still feel I have something they aren't catching..

So I can relate to all of you with heart fears.

22-03-14, 18:21
mbarger is right though - an ECG is only accurate at the time it is given. We cannot pretend to members that because they had an ECG last week they are 100% fine as it doesn't work like that.

22-03-14, 18:23
I will keep you all updated the best I can x

22-03-14, 18:33
Then this is very worrying because I've not had symptoms when I've had ecgs. Why would they do ECGs if they were this useless in diagnosing stuff? I've seen countless replies saying that ECG can pick up all sorts of conditions such as blockages, past heart attacks etc. and now this is contradicting that? I'm just very confused.

22-03-14, 18:39
What I was saying was that if I had an ECG the day before the heart attack it could have been clear as the heart attack was caused by a blockage in the artery that happened suddenly.

Yes they can see the heart attack on my ECG's now.

Let me find some official info on this to clear it up

22-03-14, 18:41
This article may provide some reassurance


Looking at your previous posts I would also suggest that your ECG taken the day before you were admitted to hospital caused great anxiety and focus on your heart and possibly lead to an extreme hyperventilation/panic attack causing your collapse?

Obviously I'm just speculating and wish you all the best and a speedy recovery

22-03-14, 18:42
This is from the British Heart Foundation's website:
What can an ECG show?

An ECG can help detect problems with your heart rate or heart rhythm (http://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/conditions/abnormal-heart-rhythms.aspx) – called arrhythmias. It can help doctors tell if you’re having a heart attack (http://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/conditions/heart-attack.aspx) or if you’ve had a heart attack in the past. Sometimes an ECG can indicate if your heart is enlarged (http://www.bhf.org.uk/publications/view-publication.aspx?ps=1000726) or thickened.
An ECG is usually one of the first heart tests (http://www.bhf.org.uk/heart-health/tests.aspx) you will have. It does have some limitations, so often you will have one or more other tests too. An abnormal ECG reading doesn’t always mean there is something wrong with your heart.

22-03-14, 18:44
I can't actually remember much from when I collasped. From what my partner tells me I was ok before it. Thank you for your best wishes

22-03-14, 18:53
Agree with potato. All the best, hope you have a comfortable night

Thank you for the extra info Nicola. I'm still confused as to why we have these tests though if they're not going to show anything up :/ and how my dr can say I don't have blah blah blah when the computer arch says I do.

But back to trying to destress for me.

22-03-14, 19:51
I agree mummy. i had an ecg last week, three days after having chest pains and palps (the reason the ecg was ordered) but at the time of the ecg i wasn't having any symptoms. i have had them since but kept telling myself 'well, the ecg was fine so my heart is fine' and i now find out it might not be!!! Why would the doctor waste my time, and hers, doing a test which proves nothing??

22-03-14, 20:16
Here's what you have to keep in mind. If indeed there was/is something sinister going on and the doctor feels you're at risk or you have a history of heart issues, they'll do further testing. Also keep in mind, many here have been having heart related symptoms for months, even years, yet you're still here and nothing has come up that indicates a serious heart issue even with the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

22-03-14, 20:21
true dat FMP, i have been having chest pains right where my heart is for months...since september last year. My gp, i think, gave me an ecg to humour me after freaking out in his office during a panic attack. The chest pain has been put down to a trapped nerve or something musculoskeletal and i'm waiting for physio. However, i cant help thinking now that maybe they're wrong.

22-03-14, 20:29
I'm sorry I really didn't mean to trigger anyone's anxiety :(

22-03-14, 20:32
You didn't kurtis, I think we hijacked your thread, so sorry!

You see what is worrying is when you have a history of anxiety and you go in saying I have these symptoms and they're getting worse and they go 'I see you have a history of anxiety and clear ecgs...' And then that's it you have to get on with it. Even when your ECG prints out a diagnosis for you!

22-03-14, 21:03
Its no problem. I'm doing ok btw. The nurses are making me very comftable.and have been given mild sedative to help me relax

22-03-14, 21:18
Ah that's good news, hopefully you'll have a decent nights sleep.

Catherine S
22-03-14, 22:57
Interesting to see that some of us can give advise but can't accept it ourselves, but that's the nature of the beast I guess :)

22-03-14, 23:14
Thinking of u

22-03-14, 23:32
you didnt trigger my anxiety kurtis. Glad you're doing ok and being looked after. xx

23-03-14, 08:55
ISB is that aimed at me?
I feel now like I cannot offer valid advice?
I have taken a lot of advice I've been given and am working with it as we speak.

23-03-14, 10:46
Mummy don't explain yourself. There is no need to :)

23-03-14, 10:53
How are you doing today kurtis? Did you have a comfortable night?

23-03-14, 11:05
Had a scary episode. My heart monitor malfunctioned and it sent out the "oh no somethngs wrong" sound and I woke up surrounded by doctors and nurses. It was ok though after I assured them I was fine they appologised. Other then that im ok. Trying to keep my spirts up

23-03-14, 11:17
Oh no! But there you go you see, sometimes the computers do get it wrong ;) Glad you're ok. Hope the food isn't too bad.

25-03-14, 19:37
How are you doing kurtis?

25-03-14, 19:48
Still in hospital. Angio has been moved for a few days and still under observersation. Still scared out my mind x

25-03-14, 19:51
Oh no kurtis, I had hoped you'd be seen by now. But focus on the positive there that they don't think it's as urgent as initially thought. Hope you get some answers soon so you can get out of there and move on x

25-03-14, 19:55
Thanks :). It has been difficult and the angio being moved was due to a fault in one of the machines. Getting tired of the anxious wait

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

Thanks x the wait is the hardest part really :(

25-03-14, 21:22
Kurtis my friend and fellow cardiophobic (yes that's what we are we have cardiophobia),

You know how much I have suffered and continue to suffer with heart fears so what I am about to say to you isn't mean spirited at all and is actually surprising to me too, as I am having a bit of a rough day myself.

What you have is anxiety it's not some terrible life threatening heart condition or just like me chances are we would be dead by now. Could you have a blockage? Yes it's possible but let's think of the worse case scenario you have a blockage they put a stent in your heart and with annual visits to the doc you are fine all that changes is you have a new piece of hardware in your body. That the absolute worse case scenario my father had a 98% blockage in November and you would barely know it now with the stent.

As hard as it is for me to trust the tests myself I am 100% sure if something very serious was going on with us a simple ekg would have detected it.

Peace my friend