View Full Version : Long story

22-03-14, 13:11
Hello All

Its been a long time since i have been on here, but i was wondering if anyone had any advice for me please.

3 years ago i suffered with very bad depression, and i met this man who i thought i was going to spend the rest of my life with. I found out that he was also poorly with bi polar and suffers with pychosis and paranoia.

everything was going fine until october last year when he stop taking his meds and that was due to him telling me that he was getting fat and he was so unhappy, i reluctently agreed to help him without medical advice.

This week he suffered an episode and i ahve never seen him like that before. although he did not scare me he did worry me because i didnt know what to do.

He has been very hyper and not getting any sleep and screaming and shouting at himself, seeing religious things.

He told me monday this week that he was ready to have a family with me, and we could also have some pets, both of which he has never agreed too before, so i thought it was unusual for him. We went to Tenby on tuesday and on the way down there he told me he didnt love me any more, he doesnt want to marry me and he loves me like a sister. I was heartbroken.

The reason he doesnt want all those things with me is because he wants to be with someone from work, and that he loves her. He brought her a gift while i was with him, i even had to pay for it, and then today i found said gift with a note in it that said i love you x. this is for the girl at work.

I have contacted her on facebook and asked her for the truth. i am still waiting on responce.

I know that this is going to be the end of my partner and me becasue i cant be piggy in the middle.

Please can anyone advise what to do.

I would be so grateful

Thank you xx

22-03-14, 14:06
WOW! That just made me have a creepy feeling down my spine..... why? Because I could have written that post myself!!
My advice is.... he needs to go back to his GP and get help to go back on his medication.... and you need to run as fast as you can away from a situation that could be detrimental to you own mental health. If he truly loved you he would not be buying gifts for another woman and telling you let alone asking you to pay for it!!!!!!!!

If this was someone else what would you advise that person?


23-03-14, 10:23
Hi Sarah

I have had a responce from the girl in question, she said nothing has gone on or never will.
I made my partner read the message from said girl, and he said that she had put him in his place.
I called off our engagement yesterday, but my partner doesnt want me to leave the house, so i still have some hope for us.

My partner is back on the meds and has had his doseage increased to help him.
He is still very ill, and i promised him and his family that i wont leave his side.

At the minute i am currently on 20 mg of citalopram for depression, and i dont think either of us are in the best place at the minute to make huge decisions, on the spur of the moment. I may be wrong but in my heart i feel the best thing to do is stay put and help him through while looking after myself at the same time x