View Full Version : New To all this!

22-03-14, 23:21
Hi All,

I got my first panic attack July 2012 following the horrible news that my young cousin had suddenly passed away which was very scary. I was on holidays in Turkey and was on the way home travelling on the bus to the airport. Out of nowhere the bus closed in, I could hear everything in slow motion, tingle sensation all over, tight chest, slow breathing and felt like someone had their hands around my throat! Terrible Terrible experience. My doctor told me I had a panic attack and following that I thought no more of it until Christmas just gone 2013.....
Out of nowhere in the car with my sister BANG it was on me out of nowhere. We had a great dat shopping and were laughing away and all of a sudden panic came on me out of nowhere. It scared me so much because that morning I had woken up and my throat was sore and my voice was going. My throat started closing in and went blotchy red and my heart was beating so fast I literally thought it was going to burst through my skin or just stop!!!! It was terrible! Since then most days I have chest heaviness and weird tingle feelings in my chest. It's been 3 months since that attack and I have had maybe 4 mini attacks as I call them in those 3 months. My doc has given me 0.25mg xanax to keep in my bag should I need them.

My question is - is it normal to have chest heaviness, chest tingling and a dull pain in left arm most days for like the last 3 months???? I don't know anyone who suffers from panic attacks so any replies would be great.


Catherine S
23-03-14, 02:16
Hi Amanda. Sounds like a classic case of fear of the fear. Once you've experienced the symptoms of panic you don't want to feel like that ever again, and its that fear that will produce the symptoms you describe.

23-03-14, 09:21
Thanks for the reply! Ya the symptoms are horrible very frightening!:mad: