View Full Version : pregnant and woke up shaking n heart racing help!!!

23-03-14, 07:19
Hi im new to this site and I have suffered on and off with health anxiety for around 3+ years now. Im fullt time mum to 6 children and am 10wks pregnant with number 7. I was on meds when I first became anxious 4 years ago and was on lustral for 18mtjs ..came off it and was fine..no episodes. After 12 previous mths of stress and a bad birth experience 15 mths ago im now anxious again and having attacks. Even had paramedics out 3 nights ago! Anyway I woke up this morning 6am and all of a sudden felt weird...hands clammy..shaking..heart racing at 130 bpm. So I then tried to calm myself down with breathing and still found myself panicking. Chest still feels heavy now..I feel sick and am on antibiotics for a UTI. Only started taking them last night..first dose!! Why have I woke up like this..is it anxiety or something else..id be grateful for anyones support and advice and im still shaking now n dont feel great but the kids r now awake...help!!!

23-03-14, 07:57
anxiety can be a lot worse on a morning as your blood sugar levels drop through the night. I often feel better after some breakfast, hopefully once you have eaten you will feel better :hugs:

23-03-14, 08:16
Sorry you're feeling so bad redhead, sounds like a rough morning :(

Annie is right in saying that low blood sugar could be the cause if morning anxiety like this. Just try to take care of yourself as best you can, and maybe have a chat with your doctor about it if you're not feeling better. Take extra care of yourself being pregnant x

23-03-14, 08:45
I don't need to tell you about pregnancy as your clearly have more experience than me with six compared to my two lol. But what I did find with my second is that I was highly anxious in the first trimester. I even had an episode of what they said was SVT. Only happened once but scared the crap out of me. I calmed down eventually and the rest if the pregnancy was fine until the lady two weeks when my hormones changed again.
I really don't think people give hormones enough credit for the reactions they can have in your body.
I hope you're ok and the uti clears up soon x

23-03-14, 09:20
I have a heavy head now n feel weak n really tired. I hate the after effects as much as I hate the panic attacks. Im worried this is gonna cause unnecessary stress on my pregnancy and on my unborn. Im thinking of taking bach rescue remedy...any thoughts?

23-03-14, 09:54
Hun I went through my last pregnancy on my own as my husband left me and I don't think I need to tell you how stressful that was. Coupled with that I had health issues linked to the pregnancy which I faced alone. My child is a very happy well adjusted little thing and three years later were both still here. Keep strong x

23-03-14, 10:43
Redhead I also was very nervous during the first trimester with both my kids. Don't worry you are very close to the wonderful second trimester :) I agree with the above about low blood sugar I woke up once with very low blood sugar with similar symptoms. My doctor told me anxiety has no effect on the baby. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

23-03-14, 20:41
Im currently on my own as me and my ex split and I then found out i was pregnant!! Its hard wrk esp tjis first trimester..ive been feeling rubbish...tired sicky n down...roll on 2nd trimester

23-03-14, 20:55
I take Bach rescue remedy. If you go on the Bach site it tells you about Bach during pregnancy http://www.bachcentre.com/centre/pregnant.htm