View Full Version : Epsom salt

23-03-14, 09:11
I've seen some comments about Epsom salts. I wondered if anyone has any experience of using them and how you go about using them and what regular shops you can get them from?

23-03-14, 11:36
Hi, Mummy,

Here you can get Epsom salts at any local pharmacy or even the generic shopping store (Walmart, Target, etc). I know that they can be consumed (directions on the box), but I think a majority of people use them in the bath.

I also have been meaning to drop you a note to suggest checking out the "Remedies" area on the top left of this page. There is some good information there on some of the natural ways to treat anxiety. I especially found the aromatherapy section helpful.

It sounds like you are starting to feel a bit better! Yay! Hang in there. These cycles will never last feel forever…..it just feels like it when we are in them! (Also, I have found extended, hard cardio and acupuncture beneficial to my recovery.)

23-03-14, 12:56
I bath most evenings in Epsom salts I found it helpful for relaxing muscles. I buy 5kg on amazon.

23-03-14, 13:31
Mummy, I am going to try Epsom salts myself. I read if you use a handful combined with 10 drops of Lavender oil and half a cup of Baking soda it will re-balance hormones that cause Stress/Anxiety, and make you feel a lot better.Its also meant to be good for pain.

23-03-14, 13:55
Mummy, I am going to try Epsom salts myself. I read if you use a handful combined with 10 drops of Lavender oil and half a cup of Baking soda it will re-balance hormones that cause Stress/Anxiety, and make you feel a lot better.Its also meant to be good for pain.

I didn't know that......! I have lavender oil and baking soda.... Going to try that tonight. I've often wondered if my hormones are also out of whack!


23-03-14, 14:27
I buy mine in bulk on Ebay (20kg...fun watching the postman struggle up the drive with it!) I also put a few drops of lavender oil in. You need to soak for at least 10 minutes.

23-03-14, 15:45
I use Epsom salts in bath. Usually from an old type chemist. Need a wheel barrow to get them home. I think they help with aches and pains soaking in the bath.xx

23-03-14, 16:02
Brilliant thanks everyone I will have a look on amazon later when the computer is back charged up again.

TMTLF I am feeling a little better thank to the diazepam, being signed off and just time I think. Still having very bad mornings but hopefully they will get better too. Had a quick read the other day of the alternative link and I'm going to have a look again later.

I've got my body scanning download, my Claire weekes book and cbt/counselling in the pipeline so things are looking better :)

Certainly going to try the lavender oil too as I love lavender.

Going to start on some supplements too and I spent some time out in the fresh air yesterday before a migraine struck me down :(

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 16:01 ----------

KLP I knew it was someone who had Epsom salts in their signature! Couldn't remember who though and its you. Hope you're doing ok

23-03-14, 16:09
[/COLOR]KLP I knew it was someone who had Epsom salts in their signature! Couldn't remember who though and its you. Hope you're doing ok[/QUOTE]

I'm doing better thanks, have had a blip few days, but I'll be back on track sooner rather than later.
Here's some links.....

Not cheap but good stuff


I also have been drinking good chamomile tea which has also helped.


(You can also get this in large sainsburys supermarkets)

23-03-14, 16:24
Ah great thanks KLP. I've been trying different chamomile teas too actually. They worked fairly well until I went into my current bad patch.

23-03-14, 16:28
Ah great thanks KLP. I've been trying different chamomile teas too actually. They worked fairly well until I went into my current bad patch.

Going to inject the tea intravenously!! I'm in the midst of a blip too.

28-03-14, 11:55
Well I've just ordered my Epsom salts from amazon so they'll be here next week. But worried they said in the small print about creating an electrical field??? And not suitable for health conditions. Heart being my worry so I'm hoping they'll be ok....

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 ----------

Did you try the soda and lavender combi KLP?

28-03-14, 12:08
Epsom salts help to improve the circulation system thus preventing hardening of the arteries and preventing blood clots. Therefore it is actually good for your heart :)

28-03-14, 13:34

Epsom salts, Himalayan salts & Dead Sea Salt all on offer from the above site. Up to 40% reductions

28-03-14, 20:28
Well I've just ordered my Epsom salts from amazon so they'll be here next week. But worried they said in the small print about creating an electrical field??? And not suitable for health conditions. Heart being my worry so I'm hoping they'll be ok....

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 ----------

Did you try the soda and lavender combi KLP?

I added about 15 drops into bath, I had baking soda. Enough for baking a few cakes but not baking me!!!!

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:27 ----------

Epsom salts help to improve the circulation system thus preventing hardening of the arteries and preventing blood clots. Therefore it is actually good for your heart :)

I didn't know that either, love this learning forum!!! X

04-04-14, 21:17
Well my salts came today so tomorrow night I am going to make myself a bath. Slightly nervous about it actually lol

04-04-14, 21:18
Well my salts came today so tomorrow night I am going to make myself a bath. Slightly nervous about it actually lol

Nothing to be nervous about. I bath in them every day and have seen many benefits :)

Catherine S
04-04-14, 21:39
MummyA, its nothing more than Radox which uses Epsom salts as a base, with other herbs thrown in depending on which part of your body or mind you want to soothe. Nothing to be scared of honest.

04-04-14, 22:15
Ah I know. Just my friend poo pood them saying it wasn't wise to be removing minerals from the body etc etc and od'ing on magnesium through the skin....

Catherine S
04-04-14, 22:35
I need talk though, when my anxiety was at its worst I wouldn't even get into the bath if I was in the house alone, in case I felt ill, I was a single mum in those days and i'd only have a bath if my daughters were around. Seems mad now lol! But that's the nature of the beast.

05-04-14, 07:08
Well I know this well being a single parent myself. It's daft isn't it but I don't like doing anything risky with mine in the house actually because they're so young. I wouldn't want them to find me if that sounds crazy. Don't want to traumatise them.
Anyway back to the jolly Epsom salts. Will these sort out my costochondrotis? As I'm in significant pain today.

What benefits did you find Annie?