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23-03-14, 09:21
The 29th of March will mark the 1 year anniversary of the big panic attack that started another bout of Health Anxieties. And I think it's coming to an end. :yesyes:

So I wanted to share something that helped me.
I have taught myself not to worry about anything until 7pm, and when 7pm comes, I have 15mins to check, poke and compare whatever it is that is bothering me. If I even think about looking for lumps, or moles I say to myself "Worry about it at 7pm". Generally when 7pm comes around, I'm kinda over whatever started it. I have had a few weeks without a single raised heart rate or compulsive checking episode! It took a few starts and failures but Im on a winning stretch.
My biggest problem is checking moles and checking for lumps, and am a reformed Dr Googler.

So this is just something that has worked for me, I was never on meds but am sharing this as I hope it helps someone else.


23-03-14, 09:36
Well done! What a fantastic achievement :)

23-03-14, 09:41
Masqued that is awesome, you've done so well :)

I tried this exercise but I was never able to make it work for me, I think I was just in the wrong place for it to be effective. But I can see through this how it's been really beneficial to you, especially interesting that once 7pm comes you discover that it's not worth worrying about what was on your mind earlier. I don't have much trouble with anxiety these days, but sometimes I still worry a bit, so I'm going to add this one to my toolbox and see if I can make it work for me!

23-03-14, 09:57
Masqued - well done! I found having a 'worry time' really valuable as my biggest focus was on health at work. I used to disappear to the canteen, have a quiet coffee and then come back to work.

23-03-14, 11:11
Thanks everyone :)

23-03-14, 12:54
Masqued I would love this to work for me. Do you still worry but don't check? Does the worrying decrease the less you check? I think it probably does because my worry has decreased a lot now that I don't ask people for reassurance. Congratulations on doing so well!

23-03-14, 13:13
That's a pretty cool technique actually. You have a strong inner strength to follow through with it too. Congrats on getting the Dragon under control!

Positive thoughts

24-03-14, 02:21
I do get the odd worry hut I just tell myself to Wait till tonight. If I get "That" feeling coming over me of impending doom or panic. I do something that involves taking my mind elsewhere, like make a salad sandwich or phone a friend, something that requires thought process. Anxiety really is fed by what we put into our mind, we just got to slow that process down and divert it for a while.

24-03-14, 13:53
I love the sound of that idea Masqued, and a big well done for dealing with it. :)

25-03-14, 07:18
Thankyou! I still get the odd worry but Im not hiding in the bathroom multiple times a day comparing lumps/bumps and spots!

25-03-14, 09:39