View Full Version : Panic Symptoms most days???

23-03-14, 09:50
Hi everyone,

I'm new here and fairly new to panic attacks. I had a full blown panic attack at Christmas and since then I have had 4 small attacks but my question is ----- since christmas nearly everyday my chest is a bit tight or I might have a dull sensation (not pain) in my left arm... Anyone else have symptoms everyday without getting an attack everyday ?? :unsure:

23-03-14, 10:16
Pretty much. I feel like the anxiety hovers in some way and makes itself felt which heightens my general anxiety around health which in turn can bring on panic attacks. Get checked out at your doctor just to be sure and remember that you're not alone

23-03-14, 10:38
Madge thanks for the reply. Such a horrible thing to experience. I have been checked by my doc alrite. My moms friend has went to see a doc who has helped her loads with breathing and just chatting to her about panic and she no longer gets them and is off all meds!! I must book myself in with him :) this forum is really helpful were all in the same boat one way or another. Thanks

23-03-14, 13:00
No worries. Hope you feel better soon and find the right help :-) Message me to let me know how you get on

23-03-14, 13:31
I get chest pains every day for the last 5 or 6 months. Got it now. I've been to the docs who says its musculoskeletal and I'm waiting on a physio appointment. But that doesn't stop me worrying. I try to ignore it most of the time though. I had arm pain just this morning but I'm getting quite good at rationalizing. I probably slept on it funny, or was sat in a weird position when I started hurting, or I'm just getting older so I'll ache more. I've learnt that dull aches and pains are probably not life threatening and unless I'm in agony, the chest pain isn't either.

23-03-14, 18:14
Thanks very much for the replies! This is a great forum because for me I don't personally know someone that has panic attacks so it's great to know that this forum is here which is a great help :)

Here's to getting over these panic attacks!!!!

23-03-14, 18:29
It is and because it international, there is someone on here most of the time, day or night, if you need to talk. xx