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23-03-14, 10:40
I haven't been on here for a reason and I think it's because my anxiety is under control. I stopped drinking alcohol on 31/12/2013 and I must say it's been the best decision ever i'm not going to lie it's not been easy , it's not been extremely hard either. However I have now decided that I would like this to be permanent but I need some motivation that's not a sign that I'm going to 'fall off the wagon' , I was never on one. So can you recommend any good books that will help with my situation ? These are the books I have in mind : the alcoholics anonymous 4th edition , empowering your sober self , staying sober , the gentle path through the twelve steps and living sober.

23-03-14, 10:45
Dave, I don't have any advice for you on the alcohol front, I simply have no experience in this area but I'm sure others here will have very good advice about addiction and alcohol.

But I did just want to say well done to you, and I'm very glad to see you feeling better. It's so good to see you're doing well, I know you've had quite the struggle on here some days. Keep going, it sounds like you've found the key to your own recovery x

23-03-14, 10:45
Although I cannot offer any books I just want to say a HUGE BLOOMIN' MASSIVE ALMIGHT CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Giving up something you're addicted to is very difficult and I am so proud and happy for you that you have given up. And you're obviously feeling the positive effects, this is a motivation to keep it up.

Good luck in your road to recovery, you are a great example to others!

23-03-14, 11:11

23-03-14, 12:15
Fantastic post and congratulations Dave!

As far as books?... just a general suggestion/tip. What about any book? Why not read anything that interests you as a distraction tool for when you feel an inkling to have a drink? Turn the urge to numb your mind into a way to feed it. I love reading and do quite a bit on-line. I downloaded a free Kindle app and there are tons or free books to download.

Positive thoughts

23-03-14, 12:16
Hi Dave, well done. You have inspired me! I've realised that although a glass or two of wine every night does seem to make me relax and keep me feeling calmer, it is just another crutch that I need to lose. I'm not saying that I'm giving up alcohol for good but maybe limiting myself to the weekends might be better. Tonight I'll be drinking tea

23-03-14, 13:40
I do read other books for distraction but I think it's important to learn about living sober although there isn't much difference , just no hangovers with regret. I find it so amusing how people think they are being rebellious by drinking lots of alcohol but really they're just stupid and copying what everyone else is doing , sheeple as I call them.

23-03-14, 14:44
I do read other books for distraction but I think it's important to learn about living sober although there isn't much difference , just no hangovers with regret. I find it so amusing how people think they are being rebellious by drinking lots of alcohol but really they're just stupid and copying what everyone else is doing , sheeple as I call them.

Having played the club scene for a time during my music career, I know exactly what you're talking about ~lol~ St. Patricks Day and New Years Eve were especially "interesting". There's bound to be a ton of books on the subject of sobriety at Amazon.

Positive thoughts

23-03-14, 15:01
I like the alcoholics anonymous book , even though I'm not an alcoholic , but have heard bad stuff about them