View Full Version : Weird sensation, scared

23-03-14, 16:08

It's been a little while since I posted last on here because for the most part I have been doing ok. But since last week I have taken a big step backwards. I know I shouldn't ask for reassurance and I know that no one on here can diagnose me or tell me what is wrong. I just need to write it all down I suppose.

Last Wed I had a strange turn and ever since I have gone down the google route and as a result convinced myself that I have a brain tumour that is causing me to have partial seizures! (Never did do things by halves).

I have read story after story, medical information, real life experiences etc etc an in everyone one I have found 'evidence' that what I experienced was a simple partial seizure. At first I was terrified that I had epilepsy, but that wasn't enough - oh no! Now I'm scared that I have epilepsy because of a brain tumour. I tell myself to stop googling but it's like a drug, a constant search for reassurance that I know I am not going to find. In fact I think everything I have found is pretty black n white in that I am experiencing a seizure.

What happened to me? I got into my car after my staff meeting and this feeling came over me that I find very hard to explain. It was very similar to deja vu in the sense that it felt strange and I was scared. I kept getting a feeling of familiarity in my head, almost like I was trying to remember something but it was out of my grasp, it wasn't like trying to remember a name or person, it was like a feeling/glimpse that felt familiar but I couldn't grasp it. Along with it I felt hot and panicky. Then after about 10mins of feeling like this I had the migraine aura I often get. (I don't get the headache, just the visual zigzagging blindness that moves until it is gone 20 mins later). I have had these aura migraines now for many years, but never preceded by the strange sensations I had prior to this one. So, I googled and everything points to a form of epilepsy called 'simple partial seizures'.

In my rational moments I try to tell myself that over many years I have experienced this weird 'memory' sensation before. I remember getting it at college in 1992 and on a few occasions since. In 2011 I had to have a brain MRI to check for a cause for tinnitus. On that scan they discovered an incidental finding at the base of my skull and I had to have a repeat MRI, but this time of my neck to confirm that it was what they thought - a haemangioma and nothing to worry about. I try to say that if I had a tumour they would have seen it then (seeing as I had symptoms prior to it) and the fact is they did find something, so it shows they were looking carefully. Then my mind worries that perhaps they didn't scan my whole brain just the bit that might have related to the tinnitus!

So there we go. I am a mess again. Can't stop crying and thinking and googling.

What I have written probably makes no sense and I'm sure that my 'strange' turn will be something no one understands but I had to write it all down.

If you stayed with this - thank you:)

23-03-14, 16:21
Hi flatterycat, I've had some migraine related trouble myself over the last while, so I feel for you. Some of the things that happen with it are just plain weird and frightening. I don't get headaches either, just lots of other weird stuff!

Given what you've described, it sounds like this was a part of the aura prodome, and weird sensations like lack of concentration or feeling out of it are often a part of prodome. With your migraine history it makes a lot of sense. You mention yourself that it's happened many times over the years and you've always been fine.

Trust your doctors, it sounds like they took good care of you. Maybe it'd be a good idea to have a chat with your migraine doctor to see if they can shed some light on this sensation?

It sounds like you have a fairly rational grasp of what happened, so try to focus on that whenever the worry creeps in. And, whatever you do, ban yourself from Google, it will only tell you the worst case scenario!

23-03-14, 17:50
Thanks for taking the time to reply Honeylove

I'm really struggling at the moment. In fact I just read a thread on here by someone who had experienced something similar. He/she never wrote again, so now I'm scared something bad happened:weep:

23-03-14, 17:55
Now that's a big conclusion to jump to! You should ban yourself from looking up information about this problem for tonight, it's only serving to make you feel worse. Try to focus on the fact that you've been through it before and you're fine.

Are you getting any help with the anxiety behind all of this? Have you tried CBT? I can be very good to help stop these types of worries.

23-03-14, 18:03
Yes I'm sure you are right - must stop!

The weird/strange familiarity thing I have had a few times throughout my life but never in combination with a visual migraine. I know I have been very stressed with work, was on my p and had been yawning loads prior. I had also had a migraine the day before.

I have had cbt in the past. As I said, I have been doing really well. Only the other week I was thinking about how well I felt:weep:

23-03-14, 18:07
Don't let it get you down, we all have times where we stumble a little, it's normal!

Use some of the CBT techniques you learned, sit down and work through some of them, then reinforce them whenever you find yourself worrying again. If you've been through this before then I bet you have plenty of tools you can put to use right now, so have a look in your toolbox and see what will help you through :)

I know sometimes when we stumble that we can freeze and not know what to do, but if you push hard you'll find you can get through it. The very first step is to quit google, every time you find yourself thinking about looking up something use a cbt technique to help you stop.

24-03-14, 07:17
Can anyone else relate to the weird familiar feelings. I am so convinced I may have a brain tumour causing seizures:weep:

24-03-14, 15:16
Hello again

Saw my doctor earlier today.
Told him about my strange turn and he said that deja vu type feelings are something we all get and that he didn't think I had a brain tumour. He did look into the back of my eyes (well just one!!!!!) and said it was all looking good. He also shone a light in both eyes and was happy. He did mention that as I had the aura migraine (without headache) it could have been partly that that made me feel so weird (like you said Honeylove).
He was very patient. I told him that I also had tingling in my hand and a headache too, but he wasn't concerned at all.

I felt slightly better, but still thinking the worse. I also feel very washed out, tired, shaky and no appetite:weep:

Thanks for reading though.

Sarah x

24-03-14, 16:45
Hey flattery cat, i've only just read this post.

I suffer with migraines and get the deja-vu things sometimes. Got it on wednesday last week actually. It is freaky. I've even had deja vu of deja vu lol. I dont have any other symptoms of a brain tumour. I get tension head and neck ache, but only when i have had a particularly bad day, or been laid funny.

The feelings you have now (lack of appetite, jitters) are probably just cos you're still a little worried. You saw the doctor...all fine and like you said, he was really patient and listened to you so you're going to have to trust him i'm afraid, hard as it may be.

Hope you feel better tomorrow. A new day to start positive again. xx

24-03-14, 17:13
Lisa - thank you so much for responding. Hearing you say that has really helped.
I've just got in from work having stopped off at my mums on the way home. I was telling her about my weird feeling and she said she knew exactly what I meant and that she also gets it when stressed!

In fact she explained it as a strange sensation that comes over her where it's like she is remembering a dream, but can't quite grasp it. She said it isn't like when you are reminded of something and can make the link straight away, but more of a feeling that you need to try and remember, but not sure what. Anyway I felt she explained it well. She also has the same migraines as me.

That probably makes no sense, but just hearing her verbalise it made me feel a little better. I am still a bit of a mess mind you and still thinking a whole host of horrible things.

Thanks again

24-03-14, 17:18
Thats EXACTLY how it is....makes perfect sense to me. Its like i remember it happening, but not sure where or when and its too blurry to pin point. Your mums a frickin genius!! xx