View Full Version : Very dizzy trouble with breathing and throat

23-03-14, 16:16
Hi all
I am doing much better with my anxiety overall with counselling but for the past few days I have had a bad time. I had my first panic though not so much panic attack for ages on friday. It came because I felt like I couldn't swallow and that my throat was blocked with mucus. I have also felt extremely dizzy for the past few days. I feel very strange and my head feels weird. Im also still having trouble with my throat and breathing. It feels like when you have a cloggy throat which then goes away when you clear it except I can't clear it. coughing does absolutely nothing and yet i can feel it in my throat especialloy when i swallow. Im also having trouble with breathing. It feels like I cant get a good breath through my throat. I am sad that I am feeling bad again but it is causing me considerable anxiety because im scared something is wrong with my throat and the breathing and the dizziness. Any help would me much appreciated. Thanks, Pansa x

23-03-14, 16:26
Hi Pansa, have you checked this stuff out with your doctor? Or is it something you've been through before and been told you were OK? What you describe can very often be symptoms of anxiety, but you should always check with a doctor if you're struggling with breathing and dizzy. If you're struggling with a lot of mucus then it could simply be something like a sinus infection.

23-03-14, 16:31
I have had thiz before and i had a blood test all came back fine. I always seem to have bad mucus and stuffy nose it seems never ending !

23-03-14, 16:46
Bad mucus and stuffy nose might be a good explanation for why you feel dizzy too, sometimes too much mucus can upset our balance. If your doctors have checked you out then you need to trust them, they have your best interests at heart.

It sounds like you could do with looking into why you always have a stuffy nose - is it allergies, too much dairy in your diet, sometimes acid reflux can make a runny nose too. If it helps you feel better then it would be worth investigating :)

23-03-14, 17:40
sometimes acid reflux can make a runny nose too. )

Really?... interesting. I need to look into this. My system is F'd up from treatment but one of the annoying things is that my nose runs when I'm eating, almost no matter what it is. Since I've been put on a stronger acid reducer it's less but still.... I know spicy food make my nose run but that was true before "C" treatment. I have to pay attention to what I'm eating a little closer to see if there's a correlation.

Positive thoughts

23-03-14, 17:53
Yes FMP, it's something I've experienced myself - for ages I thought it was allergies but I couldn't figure out what on earth was making my nose run so much. And eventually after going on and off acid blockers several times I realised that the reflux was at the root of it. When I am on PPIs the problem disappears.

The acid that escapes our stomachs can irritate the cells that produce mucus in our throats and sinuses, this happens especially at night so if you find yourself with a runny nose in the morning it may be that reflux is an issue.

You might also find it interesting that sometimes issues with tension in our facial muscles can cause mucus problems, especially with eating. This is something I've experienced too unfortunately!! TMJ can mimic a lot of problems.

23-03-14, 18:22
Thanks HLove,

I do have a tendency to jut my lower jaw out and clench my jaw when stressed and by habit, but I've been doing that since my teens. Upon reflecting on your post, I've noticed that since I started the prescription acid reducer, the runny nose has lessened considerably. No doubt, based on what you said, it was a contributing factor in mucous production in my nose and throat.

Unfortunately, the eating and swallowing problems are a direct result of surgery and radiation treatments to my head and neck. Nothing I can do about that except continue swallowing exercises. I've discussed TMJ with my dentist and in light of my stress related jaw clenching, he doesn't feel it's enough to cause any major issues. I'm seeing him Tuesday and I'll bring this up again.

Positive thoughts

23-03-14, 19:01
Glad to help you solve a little mystery in your life FMP, it's good to get to the root of things sometimes. I'm sorry you still have trouble after the cancer treatment, it's left you with a lot of difficulties but I'm glad that it helped keep you here longer :)