View Full Version : Health anxiety returned after emergency surgery

23-03-14, 16:54
Hello everybody,

I am feeling in need of some support at the moment. I suffered severely with health anxiety almost three years ago, which debilitated me for over a year.

Somehow I overcame it and have been living a completely normal, happy life! A couple of weeks ago I found out that I was pregnant, however it was ectopic. I was being treated with Methotrexate to prevent surgery, but unfortunately a couple of days later my fallopian tube ruptured, I suffered severe internal bleeding and had to have emergency surgery to have it removed.

It all happened so quickly and I was dealing with it fine, but now, a week after my surgery I am really struggling. I am convinced I have DVT from the surgery and being on bed rest.

My symptoms are a heavy feeling right leg with a dull ache all the way down (sometimes sharp pain too). I am getting muscle twitches in my calf muscle, with pain in my knee and heel.

I know I am obsessing over it and that is making me concentrate on the pain and feel worse.. but I'm stuck in this cycle again.

I have phoned 111 and they think I'm fine as there's no swelling, but it's all I can think about.

What do you all think? Should I be worried? Has anybody had DVT and can describe to me what it feels like?

I'm driving myself mad :weep:

23-03-14, 18:27
I am really sorry to hear about the trauma you have been through and it is understandable that it would make you more anxious. If there is no swelling then it does not sound like DVT.
If you are still concerned tomorrow or is it gets any worse and does swell then you should see your doctor. Having been through all this though, I am not surprised that you are feeling some aches and pains. The pains are most likely to be from the position they had you in during surgery.

23-03-14, 18:43
Firstly, I'm so sorry for your loss :( You've been through a traumatic event.

Like Annie said, it's not unusual to have the reaction you're having based on what you've been through. When physical ailments escalate to the point of no control, it's natural to suffer symptoms of PTSD after the fact. I had it happen after my cancer journey. You're so focused on just getting through the ordeal and when you finally get to the point of realizing you'll survive, you start to absorb the seriousness of what happened. It's totally normal to feel as you do.

Certainly, if the symptoms persist, contact your doctor. DVT's are not very common at all and medical professionals feel you're Ok, so take solace in that. They wouldn't have discharged you if they felt you were at risk. While I can't reassure you concerning DVT's, I can reassure you in that your fears are normal and chances are very, very likely, that you'll be just fine :)

Again, so sorry for your loss...

Positive thoughts

23-03-14, 18:51
Go to your doctor about your leg:). I had a bad anxiety wobble after a surgical complication 6 months ago. I'm now over it but I worried about DVT, heart attack, etc etc.
All surgery is a trauma for body and mind, it takes a while to get over.

23-03-14, 19:59
Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and share with me.

You have cheered me up and I don't feel so alone now :)

Fishmanpa- Sorry to hear that you faced cancer :( I get what you mean, it's like your mind keeps it together while your body is struggling and once you start healing it's like 'oh my god i can't believe what just happened to me!'.

I suppose I just feel like every 'worst case scenario' has happened to me in such a short space of time... it's like, WHAT'S NEXT?!

But thank you for your support it's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one.


23-03-14, 20:03
Sending you some hugs, it sounds like you could do with some :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

24-03-14, 00:22
I'm so sorry for your loss! I will keep you in my prayers.