View Full Version : ME/CFS?

23-03-14, 17:59
I have no idea what's going on with me right now.

I recently (just over a month ago) had a very bad viral/bacterial infection. I took two courses of antibiotics to get rid of it.

Two weeks after I had recovered (although I still felt a bit weak) I tried to go back to work, which in this case was some decorating. 2 hours into it I started to feel very weak and my chest was pounding. I already had an appt with the GP that afternoon and she sent me to A&E because of the tachycardia. I was in overnight, where they said my heart/lungs were ok. I have to go back next week for a 24hr ECG.

My hospital stay was nearly 2 weeks ago, but since then I've been feeling worse and worse. I seem to spend most of the day on the sofa or in bed.

Symptoms include :-

Dark thoughts
Overall feeling of anxiety and dread
Back pain
Sweating (although that's eased off a bit)

One of the most significant symptoms seem to be a dramatic muscle weakness as soon as I exert myself even a little. This can be something as simple as making the dinner or doing some washing up. It feels like my muscles are totally fatigued and they start shaking, which means I have to lay down again.

After doing some research it seems that ME causes fatigue a day or two after exertion, but I seem to experience it immediately.

I must say that life is extraordinarily stressful right now, and not in a way that I can change anytime soon.

I'm wondering if it's just plain old anxiety (although I can control panic attacks at will nowadays) causing the stress on my body. Taking a ride to A&E in an ambulance with suspected heart trouble and having to stay in overnight was no fun, I'm guessing it could be a reaction to that as well but I do feel that I can usually control panic reactions.

I'm pretty confused and massively pee'd off right now :wacko:

23-03-14, 18:51
Hello again Joe,

I was thinking of writing in your old thread earlier to see how your doing, exercise for me is getting quite hard!

I actually looked up on ME the other day although I don't really think I have it, I'm just trying to understand why exercise use to be great in my fight against anxiety, but some how it's turned into the opposite.

I've actually thought that something diatery could be causing the problem, but I still think it's more likely to be the cortisol release.

Do you have a chemist near by? Epsom salts will most likely be sold there and are great for muscle troubles. The salts are 100% magnesium and are generally used in the bath.

Perhaps get some rest and see how you feel by midweek, I'm heading to the doc around Wednesday so I'll let you know if they give a more obvious reason!

23-03-14, 20:47
I have CFS and have these problems. Anxietyjoe - I find it really interesting that you have been on antibiotics and feel like this. I believe my CFS was partially caused by antibiotics. What happens is that antibiotics kill of bad infections but they also kill off good bacteria in your gut, leaving it open to be taken over by bad bacteria and yeast. If I were you I would start taking probiotics and eat a simple healthy diet of natural foods. I can guarantee this will make you feel better. Stay away from sugar and things that feed bad bacteria. Stress is absolutely a factor and produces chemicals that set up the sort of environment bad bacteria thrive in. Try meditation and deep breathing. Yoga is good too. I have been recovering from this for the past 7 months and feeling a lot better emotionally and physically, but still have ups and downs.

24-03-14, 16:23
Thanks for the responses.

I've looked into the dietary issues facing people with ME, although I'm still not convinced that's what it is. I did a fair amount of research last night, and one thing that's missing from my list of symptoms is actual fatigue. I don't really feel that tired.

I'm convinced it's connected to exercise (exercise intolerance?) though, and the infections and antibiotics have played a significant part for sure.

I'm going to get some probiotic yoghurts and take a closer look at my diet. I don't smoke or drink and my diet is pretty well balanced, but I must confess I'm an evening eater and tend to not eat that much during the day.

I must remember that although I can control panic attacks (that part where you become overwhelmed no longer exists in my life) I can still experience an overall sense of anxiousness that can last for hours or days depending on how I manage my stress levels.

I do practice meditation and mindfulness, but I could probably incorporate it into my day a little more comprehensively rather than using it as a tool to calm down. Offence is the best defense and all!