View Full Version : Worried

23-03-14, 18:34
I have had Ha since I was 18, my dad died bowel cancer in 1973 when I was 10. my mum of osoephgal cancer 1998 and my brother was diagonsed with non hodgkins lymphoma and died 1998 , not of the disease but possible drug od. So you can guess what my phobia is the big C. For about 4 months I have had afew
bouts of diaerrha, Itchy bottom, no bleeding made the mistake of dr google and am convinced I have bowel cancer, saw gp and broke down had rectal exam and blood test and ferritin checked, this came back normal. Was ok for a week but now loosing weight , i know i haven't been eating properly and so stressed but can't seem to stop the panic, morning is the worst my family don't understand just need some advice from fellow ha sufferers thanks pat

23-03-14, 18:40
Hi Pat, wow, you've had a lot to deal with! I reckon we'd all be reacting the same way if our family history is the same. Last week I had a couple of panic attacks but it knocked my regular eating and I lost three pounds in one week. Try to focus on the fact that your doctor has given you the all clear and try to find some way of relaxing it dealing with the panic. On YouTube there are clips from a man called Brad Yates which promote tapping for wellbeing and he has ones that are specifically for clearing fear and anxiety (perhaps type in Brad Yates tapping fear) which I have found useful. I know the same things don't work for all but it might be worth giving it a go. I hope you feel better soon.

23-03-14, 18:45
hey pat, welcome to nmp.

im no doctor, but if the tests came back clear, you have to trust that. stress can cause lack of appetite, which of course will lead to weight loss.

This forum is brilliant and you'll find loads of people who know exactly how you feel. Just remember you're not alone. xx

---------- Post added at 18:45 ---------- Previous post was at 18:44 ----------

the stress diet....works every time!!

23-03-14, 18:52
Thanks so much for your replys:hugs: feel so alone at the moment would help if my family understood :weep: i know they must get fed up with me but it makes it hard trying to hide it all the time, glad to have some one who understands helps alot thank you xxx

23-03-14, 18:55

you're welcome. xx