View Full Version : Racing Heart after alcohol

23-03-14, 19:29
Hi i wondered if anyone else gets this, every time i drink over a certain amount i wake in the middle of the night and my heart is racing and lasts most of the night, it can`t be anxiety as it wakes me from my sleep, it worry's me sick. I did mention it to the doctor once and he said it`s because i don`t drink often so to either stop drinking or slowly increase my alcohol intake was funny a doctor giving this advice. Just wondered if anyone else suffers, i forgot to mention i also suffer with ectopic beats most days, thanks xxxx

Catherine S
23-03-14, 19:59
This is a normal reaction if you overdo the alcohol, coffee, smoking etc....all are stimulants but when your body comes down from them you're left with the thumping heart etc. I'm the same and also suffer with ectopics. Some of us are more sensitive than others.

23-03-14, 21:24
Yep I agree with ISB....totally alcohol induced


25-03-14, 21:40
Same issues here when drinking alcohol. I stopped several months back and when I tried again recently it hits me like a rock with all types of sensations.

31-03-14, 23:32
it also intensifies the hangover symptoms (which im struggling with here after a day at the carnival here yesterday)

everything has ran through my mind but i know deep down its alcohol