View Full Version : Eat real food!

23-03-14, 20:01
Anyone read this article in the Guardian? http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/mar/23/everything-you-know-about-unhealthy-foods-is-wrong

Round in circles
23-03-14, 20:26
Good article. I've said for years that the food industry is making us sick. I no longer believe any of it ever since I realised that low fat on a label usually meant high sugar.

I eat eggs every day, along with real butter, unrefined olive oil and whole foods that I can recognise. If I want bread (that I rarely eat nowadays) I make it myself. Gone are the additives, preservatives and sweeteners. The downside is that I have to brave the supermarket every three days. It's hard but totally worth it.

Catherine S
23-03-14, 20:30
I tend to read the daily Mail and read a few articles like this over the last few weeks. I guess the message is, if it comes out of a factory its not good for us!

23-03-14, 20:34
I find it interesting that we've been told not to eat things that people have had eaten as a major part of their diet for thousands of years, and to replace it with manufactured food, yet there is more obesity, more chronic illness, more anxiety, depression etc than ever before.