View Full Version : After effects of attacks?

23-03-14, 21:16
Just had a really bad attack that lasted about an hour and had me lying on the carpet shaking. Now I feel almost too weak to move, shivering, and my limbs feel very heavy, like I can barely move them. Just want to sleep. What kind of after-effects does everyone else get?

23-03-14, 21:19

Sounds just like the after effects of my attacks......... try to get some sleep you will feel better in the morning. It's scary isn't it?:weep:. You will be fine. You are exhausted from all the adrenaline that has been surging through your body and tensing up you muscles.


23-03-14, 21:25
freaked, sounds just like mine too. Panic attacks exhaust me and i promptly fall asleep as soon as its finished. xx

23-03-14, 22:24
I have got tired from the few I have experienced and I have had cold chills where my teeth chatter. U must be exhausted. Try and go to sleep.... Easier said than done but try and relax :)

23-03-14, 23:41
how you feeling now freaked?? xx

24-03-14, 14:44
Thanks for the replies everyone. The feeling eventually passed after some food and rest. I figure it's probably adrenaline depletion and exhaustion? Unfortunately I'm trying to hold back another attack now (getting that suffocating, gasping feeling). Every day atm :-(

24-03-14, 14:47
keep doing breathing exercises as soon as you feel an attack coming on. Slow deep breaths in, hold it for 4 seconds and let it out again slowly.