View Full Version : Freaking out please help :(

23-03-14, 22:06
Well today I have since like 6 pm felt really really sick like my stomach keeps cramping and I feel so weak and sick but I don't know why I have a hot water bottle and my mum gave me paracetamol but I feel like I'm dying I'm sorry if I sound dramatic I'm 15 so :/ I don't know if it was something I ate I mean I had pasta for tea and it had this sauce in it which said 20 feb use by but I didn't know cuz I trust my mum so I just let her use it but I'm so sick i really don't know what to do :(

---------- Post added at 22:06 ---------- Previous post was at 21:49 ----------

Someone just some advice would be great? :(

23-03-14, 22:28
You probably just have a stomach virus. They can be quite painful. Panicking will only make it worse. Try to calm down, watch and movie and try to relax. Trust your mom if it were serious she would have taken you to the doctor.

23-03-14, 22:35
Thank you for your advice I don't feel quite as bad now I have had some paracetamol I don't quite know what it is but I just have to have a nice sleep and see in the morning how I feel I guess x

23-03-14, 23:28

24-03-14, 04:47
Was the 20th Feb a Best Before date or Use by?

Use By dates appear on perishable goods e.g. fresh produce or food that goes off quickly. Never eat these after the date, or if you've frozen it - after the guide on the product.

I think you mean a Best Before date which is the one seen on frozen goods. Given the date is a month back, I'm assuming it's frozen pasta which you mum put in the freezer. A Best Before date is only a measure of quality so after that date it can't be guaranteed to be of the same standard e.g. it might lose it's taste or colour.

So, if it was the latter, I'm sure your mum knows whether it looked & smelled ok before you cooked it for you.

See how you are through the night. Sometimes things just don't agree with us and if you suffer with anxiety it will be amplified in your mind.

If you feel really bad, ask your mum for help and let her decide whether to contact any help e.g. your GP.

Hopefully you will be better in the morning, or if it's a bug, soon.