View Full Version : Swmae/Hello from Wales

23-03-14, 23:44
Hi All, thank you for letting me join your community.
I am a 43 and have managed to juggle 2 businesses, 2 small children and be a full time carer for my mother who has dementia, for a number of years, but a few months back my mum went to live with my sister and I have recently had to give up one business due to health reasons and since then (around 4/5 weeks back), completely out of the blue, I have started to experience panic attacks.

This is all new to me and tbh I dont know what to do. I've spoken to my GP who has run a load of blood tests (still waiting for the results) and who offered to increase a medication I use for spinal injuries, which is also used for anxiety disorders (Lyrica/pregabalin). I declined simply because I hate the level of medication I take in order for me to function because of my injuries anyway and I really dont want to take any more than I have to.

So after having a particularly horrendous time this afternoon, I am planning on phoning and booking an appointment or 10 with an accupuncturist that I used many years back for my back injury.

I dont know what else I can do. I have no idea what has set this off. I have no idea how to cope with them, let alone stop them. I dont understand why when I have coped so well with so much stress for so many years, that now when life is so much easier, this would happen. But I do know that I cant let these rule my life. I have a life to live and I have no time or space in it to waste as I did this afternoon.

Grateful for any suggestions anyone may have. I'll also go off and make a start at looking around your site.

Many thanks.


24-03-14, 22:24
Welcome from another part of Wales!

01-04-14, 22:21
*waves* Hello there :) x

03-04-14, 18:14
Hello and :welcome:to the forum.