View Full Version : HA increasing. Holiday time

Round in circles
24-03-14, 03:27
I think I probably need a break. Tonight I was looking at the sore on my leg that hasn't fully healed in about a month and all of a sudden a giant wave of fear smacked me across the back of the head. "What if it's skin cancer?"

To say I surprised myself is an understatement. After the intense rush of fear subsided I found myself feeling very confused wondering where on earth that came from. I know everyone's answer would most likely be that it was because of my health anxiety, but here's the thing..

I worry about a lot of things, but it's always in relation to pains and sensations that are happening at the time. I don't really know how better to put that. Other than the heart related worries I had when I was having funny turns on a daily basis, I don't really have the big what ifs that seem to be quite common in HA sufferers. I don't think about cancer or tumours and the like.

And yet here's me feeling a sizeable amount of what can only be described as terror over a skin cancer worry. If my leg was itchy, bleeding or causing me pain, I can understand that. Something that would draw my attention until I freaked out. But it's very slightly itchy tonight, and that's only because I prodded it before putting savlon on it.

After thinking about it I realise that reading other people's worries about these issues is affecting me in ways I was unaware of. I've never been in any kind of group therapy or even among other health anxiety sufferers so I have no experience of the whole group dynamic thing. I know this is a long rambling post fed by my anxiety and I apologise. I'm feeling a bit destabilised and I guess it's shaken me up a bit. Think it's time to batten down the hatches for a bit of a computer gaming holiday.

I'll bring everyone back a stick of rock!

24-03-14, 04:35
Perhaps take a break, even if it's just off the HA board if it's starting to make you think that way.

I don't have HA either but I have had the occassional time where I've thought there must be something wrong due to a trigger e.g. continual headaches for weeks, are they something else, but I've controlled them and not gone anywhere to try to find out about it. I just put this down to the GAD finding a way through the cracks to create another problem for me.

I'm very symptom focussed, the thoughts are secondary so I notice things more than I would before. It could be that, but if it appears infected or angry then you may need some medication to treat it.

Something else I have found over the years is that I don't heal like I used to. I guess it's all the strain of the anxiety.