View Full Version : Think I might go to docs, discuss and try meds

24-03-14, 07:25

Last night was a disaster, held off the anxiety all day by blocking out the nort nice thoughts etc. I thought after having about n3 hours sleep in 3 days I would at least fall asleep this time. It didnt happen that way, once again very limited sleep, but I did make it through 71/2 hours in bed. Disruption to my wife very bad again.

When I went to the docs to get my blood test results I had a brief chat about anxiety. She prescribed diazapam. I tore up the prescrition.

I am now wondering whether it might be better in the short term to try some sort of med, perhaps the non addictive beta blockers?

How can I rapidly stop this nightmare

24-03-14, 07:32
See the doc again and discuss options:)

24-03-14, 07:40
OK Phuzella, thanks

Are the quite a few on here who use meds with success; I suppose I know millions do, I really need to get some breathing space and settle to whole thing down - does that make sense.
Its a horrible experience and although I am a very strong person normallt, this time Ive been floored completely.

24-03-14, 07:45
I've never taken meds but i do know lots of people find them helpful, definitely worth havinga chat with doc to see what's available.

24-03-14, 11:24
I've tried meds but didnt get on with them. the thing is, there's no 'one-size-fits-all' solution. some ppl do well on meds, some with therapy, some with both. phuzella is right. have a chat with your doctor. hope you feel better soon.

24-03-14, 15:37

well she prescribed a beta blocker one low dose /day , these are pretty good I think and not such a risk as Valium etc.

For the sleep restoration she has indicated and given me Valium . One low dose pre bedtime. I am aware of much info on this and acutely aware of the big problems that can occur. My wife is soooo mad at me. I explained a lot to the GP (English speaking Portuguese) At this time I have taken one dose of the BB, AND HAVE NOT FELT ANXIOUS SINCE (i WAS IN THE SURGERY). Not decided on the Valium tonight yet, not keen TBH but I am desperately tired.

24-03-14, 15:47
There is nothing wrong with Valium in the short term if it helps you get back into a sleep pattern.


24-03-14, 16:29
Thanks Sarah; ideally I may use it to do that and then stop after 1 or 2 weeks - am I correct that that should not pose a problem?

24-03-14, 17:22
My doctor prescribed me amitriptyline to relax me and help me sleep as i get night time panic,but as of yet im too scared to take it lol. puh-thetic, isn't it?

24-03-14, 19:23
Sorry can someone confirm that to take this for a week or 2 shouldnt be too much of a risk. The reason I am prepared to try it is that I simply cannot go on not sleeping - 3 almost full days so far - you can probably gather I am not feeling very good

24-03-14, 20:31

I wouldn't think taking it for such a short time would cause any problems but perhaps a quick chat with the doctor (or local pharmacy if that's easier) would set your mind at ease


I am at end of week 2 on amitriptyline. Wasn't sure as I had a few weeks of hell when starting paroxatine many years back so had a little bit of a mental block trying to take them. Got over it, won't say it's been plain sailing but in the grand scale not to bad, one thing I will say is by god they do give you a good uninterrupted sleep. Like most meds sticking with it and pushing through first few weeks could make a great difference, some work, some don't but sometimes we have to try or we will never know, it could be the med your looking for. Jury is still out for me, I'm taking them for nerve pain (fibromyalgia) and headaches. The sleeping is great so hopefully with getting full restful sleep now it will have a knock on effect on the other issues. Take care.


24-03-14, 20:43
Thanks barrym, i have such a small dose that the gp said it may not even have an effect on me. Its 10mg

25-03-14, 09:29
10mg is the lowest dose you can take of amitryptyline - the maximum dose per day is much higher, so you may well find it doesn't affect you much. If nothing else though, if you take it at night, it will help you sleep better as it's one of the old-style antidepressants and has a sedating effect.

25-03-14, 10:46
I haven't plucked up the courage to take it yet. I've read stories of it increasing anxiety and thats the last thing i want. I had increased anxiety on fluoxetine so i stopped taking it. I don't want to feel anxious and not being able to stay awake to deal with it.