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View Full Version : does anyone have a daily panic disorder?

24-03-14, 11:53
hi hope someone can help im booked into my doctors in the morn I was starting to feel better but ive gone downhill fast,

ever since I had my first Panic attack 6 months ago ive convinced myself everyday that my cardio system cant take anymore and this is my day im going to die but I never do my bp was all over the place which fuelled more anxiety then one symptom leads to another symptom

as you can appreciate this has led to chronic anxiety and a regular panicky feeling

I suffer from repetitive intrusive thoughts and nightmares

so basically although the panic attacks have subsided Im in a constant state of red alert hypochondria its been months

If I excersize it sends me into a frenzy or if I get the slightest twinge I jump out my seat within reason lol

I also chronically burp fuelling more pains etc etc

is anyone else like this any help appreciated its as if im causing most of it myself but I just cant help it


24-03-14, 12:04
Hi Kris, i also have PD and HA, and worrying about my heart is very familiar. I get all kinds of aches and pains and twinges. Id suggest you take that visit to your docs tomorrow and have a little chat about how you're feeling. If they see reason to worry, they'll do some tests. But if not, you have to trust what your doctor says. For a whole year i thought i was going to die, everyday the same thing, but after tests, i have a clean bill of physical health, barring a trapped nerve. Anxiety can manifest in so many ways physically. Are you on any meds for anxiety or doing any therapy?


24-03-14, 12:23
hi lisa Im on atenolol 50mg I felt good at first but someone young dying has reignited the fire

its very weird I went through about 2 hours yesterday feeling better its so strange, Ive also noticed if Ive got no physical anxiety symptoms im depressed

I have also come to the conclusion I was binge drinking so ive stopped drinking

was yours a daily red alert feeling like mine is? wouldn't have mattered if I lived in a 4 million pound house I try and tell people who don't understand


25-03-14, 05:52
I would think this is fairly common until you get a grip on it.

I know I would have this everyday and anything that would cause similar symptoms such as exercise would lead me to think it was the anxiety worsening.

I would suggest you try Mindfulness meditation. It can help with the obsessive thoughts and it includes monitoring your body so that you eventually start to trust it to do it's job whilst you break your thought cycles and control them more. It takes time to learn but a lot of people say it helps them.

For exercise, try working up to it. If you are suffering from anxiety and go full out, you could overdo it. Perhaps change the intensity, type of exercise or where you do it e.g. exercising outside gets good reviews.

It might be worth trying CBT as well.

15-05-14, 15:34
Yeah I have panic disorder and get at least 10 attacks daily. I was originally put on medication but took reactions to them so now I just deal with them myself and I've made a lot of progress. Not out of the woods yets but I'm at least not housebound and suicidal any more.

15-05-14, 18:42
Howdy. Yep, panic disorder here for the last 17 years.

ps. your cardio vascular system can and will handle it. Just be sure to get medically checked to rule out anything else still.

15-05-14, 18:49
Yep, every waking moment I'm a mess and have some symptom of sorts. Off and on for over 15 years but stuck on this patch for about 6 months now. My doctor told me once that if the heart can't handle beating fast, all the athletes would drop dead on the field :D

15-05-14, 23:08
hi hope someone can help im booked into my doctors in the morn I was starting to feel better but ive gone downhill fast,

ever since I had my first Panic attack 6 months ago ive convinced myself everyday that my cardio system cant take anymore and this is my day im going to die but I never do

is anyone else like this any help appreciated its as if im causing most of it myself but I just cant help it


I have to ask you kris - What makes this day any different? You have felt the exact same way before with no ill effects. Just because you feel it doesn't mean it's true.

Think to all the times you were *certain* you were going to die but didnt. This is just like that time!

18-05-14, 17:53
Every day. Every day is a battle. But with coping techniques. Every day can be less of a battle.

18-05-14, 18:57
It's very possible to have daily panic attacks. The more panic attacks you have, the easier your body gets into a panic attack, ie it requires less fear or frequently no fear to trigger one. Try to think of it as your daily exercise :-/ It's not good for you like exercise obviously, but exercise does temporarily raise your HR and BP like a panic attack does, and people handle it fine.