View Full Version : Viscious circle of Anxiousness is getting me down today.

24-03-14, 13:33
Really not having the greatest of days today!! I'm finding anxiety a real viscous circle at the moment. I've been trying really hard to keep positive and dismiss my inner HA thoughts as just that...thoughts, but the dragon just keeps coming back and biting me on the backside and I'm back to square one!

My trigger point today was a nose bleed at breakfast time, only lasted a minute or two then stopped. Recently every time I've had my BP taken (which is about 10 times over the last 6 months) it's been high, the last time it was 168/94. The go commented that it was sky high but I meant ironed to her that I think I suffer from HA and no further comment was made.

I'm really concerned now as I know that the more I think of the high BP the likelihood is that it will remain high as I'm constantly anxious about it (I think about it all the time, even when I'm distracted the thoughts creep in!!)

I've been doing well to remain rational about it, I.e, I've had shortness of breath (a lot) and I've put it down to being anxious, little short headaches I've put down to tension, numb hands/fingers in the middle of the night I've put down to probably clenching my fists ( which I seem to do unconsciously when I'm anxious) but today after the nose bleed I've managed to convince myself I've got some sort of clogged artery or circulatory problem which will lead to heart attack!!! Ridiculous I know.

Sorry for the post, just getting this off my chest and would love any ideas on how to stop the cycle of being anxious about being anxious. :weep:

24-03-14, 20:20
Your nose bleed was a one off. I had a migraine the other day. I'm not going to lie, it freaked me out. I had been outside gardening and it came on and I started to worry I'd pushed myself too hard. Then I worried perhaps it was because my heart was working too hard after me being so sedentary lately or that my bp had spiked. Ill never know and I just have to let it drop and hope it doesn't happen again as its the first I've had in over a year.

I sometimes get numb hands in bed because I've got trapped nerves in my neck. Tension from anxiety does that. I shake my hand and its fine again. Is it all your hand and arm or just certain fingers?

Blood pressure, well mine is always fine oddly at the gp but when I take it myself it can be high. Then it goes down again when I stop worrying about it. I had a shouting match with the kids one day, took my bp and it was normal! Go figure!

You have three kids I guess from your username and that's a strain on anyone! I have two and they almost kill me on a daily basis! Cut yourself some slack x

24-03-14, 20:43
Ah thank you Mummyanxious, you're absolutely right and when someone else puts it like you have it makes so much sense. I'm pretty certain I'm just having an overly anxious day as I'm feeling completely drained tonight, always the same after a bad day, but hey tomorrow's another day!!
Oh and yes I have 3 children 11, 9 and 5 and they keep me busy (especially the youngest, she's twice the work of the other two put together!!!!) x

24-03-14, 20:52
Well in my eyes that's what we're all here for to explain the rational when you can't see it yourself. Hope they're all in bed now giving you a rest ;)

24-03-14, 21:04
I have had a headache on my eye and convinced myself it's something sinister, but try and tell myself a normal person would have painkillers and get on with. When u test your bp are you feeling anxious? Because that can raise it? Your bp changes all the time throughout the day.

24-03-14, 21:04
2 down and 1 just about to. A bit of TV and a hot bath to relax I think.x

24-03-14, 21:10
Gah I dread the day my kids are up any later than seven lol

26-03-14, 14:52
Mummyanxious, you mentioned you get pins and needles in your hand at night. Is it all fingers or just a couple?
I've sent myself into a little panic today as I've had it for the last 3 nights now whereas before it was maybe 2 or 3 times a week so it's getting worse. It instantly goes when I lift my hand and wiggle my fingers. I've also had pretty much a tingly hand and fingers all day today (just my left side) with a heavy achy sort of feeling on my upper arm. My pulse is fine but I'm worried it could be a heart problem!!!!!!!!! I'm determined not to race to the Gp, god knows I'm sick of the sight of the place!! Just wondering if a trapped nerve could cause this.
How are you feeling now? I saw your post, please try not to worry too much xx

26-03-14, 15:02
Sometimes its all, sometimes just a couple but its defo into neck nothing to do with heart. Could you possibly get a chiropractic appointment? Because that really helps with mine.