View Full Version : Are you overweight?

24-03-14, 15:50
Interested to see if there's a correlation between health anxiety and obesity. I'm not, I've got the opposite problem being skinny and I've tried to put weight on in the past.

24-03-14, 15:58
I'm not I don't think, my bmi 23.9.
This obviously drops when I'm having a 'wobble' as I find I don't want to eat as I can't face food.
By the way, is this new HA book any good? If so I will order it.

24-03-14, 16:13
I wouldnt have a clue if i'm overweight lol. Im 6'1" and about 14.5 - 15 stone. I dont know if thats bad or not lol.

24-03-14, 16:42
I am overweight

24-03-14, 17:03
Some call it overweight I call myself fluffy lol

24-03-14, 17:19
fluffy....i like it. xx

24-03-14, 18:18
under weight / not sure comparing it with my BMI and height. I know I need to put on a little bit more weight. My parents are not overweight either.

24-03-14, 18:21
yes i am overweight but when i first got panic attacks i was very underweight.

Catherine S
24-03-14, 18:49
Overweight unfortunately, but combination of meds and under active thyroid is the connection for me :blush:

24-03-14, 19:30
5'11 and around 10 and a half stone, I'm underweight!

24-03-14, 19:34
My bmi is 20.6 in the middle of normal. 5ft 7 and just under ten stone.

24-03-14, 23:26
By the way, is this new HA book any good? If so I will order it.

No, I've heard the author is an idiot... :)

25-03-14, 00:15
How about you skippy?

25-03-14, 05:46
I'm overweight now. I need to get more exercise really as daily walking just isn't cutting it anymore.

BMI is a very basic measure anyway, you can be overweight on this scale despite being very fit or muscular. It measures height vs weight but if you weight train a lot you can easily show as overweight when your fat % is far lower than people who's BMI is fine.

Also, overweight people run a lot as well in some cases and are far fitter than I am! I've seem studies where they are considering whether being overweight offsets the benefits of exercise so whilst losing excess fat it still needed, their cardio is is good condition and mitigating other health concerns for them.

I think there will be a correlation to anxiety in general anyway. Self esteem & confidence take a battering and you can lose or put weight on from not taking care of yourself. It's also likely a weight issues can come first since anxiety is likely to be a feature of body image conditions.

Have you done some Googling for any research papers? I'm betting someone has done something on this.

Here is a good example of why BMI is flawed:


25-03-14, 10:07
Im 5ft 11 and 54 kgs so slim...everyone thinks I have a high metabolism, I blame anxiety!