View Full Version : Is this Migraine?

24-03-14, 16:33
Hi everyone. New member here who would appreciate some guidance / advice as i'm becoming increasingly worried and feeling helpless by my strange symptoms.

Until December 2013 i was a fit and healthy 29 woman with no health problems whatsoever. I have a busy, stressful job and i know that i am a worrier by nature, but i was happy and nothing out of the ordinary was going on in my life.

So here goes..... I started developing a deep throbbing pain in my groin and inner left thigh as well as feeling very tired and a 'tingling' sensation at the back of my head (left side) that always led to spells of brief lightheadedness but with no headache. I would also get tingling and numb feelings in my eyebrow, cheek, jaw, chin, neck and arm (all left side) The pain in my groin and leg was terrible and i was really concerned about cancer, cysts, you name it. I saw my doctor and was referred for a scan. Scan came back clear and after a few weeks of niggling pain, the throbbing vanished. The doctor thought the tingling / head pain could be migraine and she took me off the combined contraceptive pill, which i've been on for 5 years, and put me on another type of pill.

After feeling much better for most of January, Since the start of February i have had more numerous strange symptoms which i feel are totally taking control of my life...

I started to get the tingling in my head, numbness and severe lightheadedness and dizziness again, but now it is accompanied with a horrible feeling behind my sternum and chest wall (left side). I can only describe the pain as like feeling there is something sitting in my chest - Like there is something 'there'. I doesn't matter what i do - It doesn't ever really go away completely. Then I had a period of two whole weeks where i felt ok other than the tiredness, some fleeting chest pain, pain in my back behind my shoulder blade and a throbbing in my left kidney area. I went back to the doctors a couple of times and they took bloods, blood pressure and did ECG's. They said my heart and lungs are fine and the chest pain is probably muscular or due to anxiety / stress. I would accept this if it wasn't constant and almost always accompanied by the lightheaded and dizzy feelings.

I've felt pretty awful for the past week. I can start out fine in the morning and then i can be at work, or hanging with friends, or walking and the lightheadedness and tingling / numbness in my left side comes on. I quite often have to go to the bathroom at work and sit down for half an hour wishing it away. No pain meds, asprin, ibruprophen, exercise, water drinking etc seems to help. I often go to bed this way and waking up the same.

I saw my doctor last Tuesday who put me on a beta blocker and basically sent me on my way. Today at work for the first time ever i felt on the verge of passsing out (never fainted before in my life) and the numb / out of body feeling was terrible. I couldn't get through to my doctor so i called my mother who said she would take me there directly. She took one look at me and said "we're going to hosptial" when i got in her car. By this point i could barely walk or see straight for the diziness and lightheadedness. My left arm, neck and jaw were numb and tingling and the pain behind my sternum excruciating.

When i got to hospital today they ran another ECG and took my blood pressure along with some neurological tests to rule out stroke. They were happy with me and said that i would have to go to my family doctor (GP) to organise follow up tests with a neurologist. I saw a GP early this afternoon (not my usual doctor), who also thinks i'm having migraine without the classic head pain and that the chest pain is either muscular or stress related. I've been taken off the beta blockers and told to start another migraine medication (Amitriptyline)

I just don't get it... Can all of this be migrane and / or stress / anxiety related as the doctors think?

I feel like there is no one i can really talk to about this as i've never heard of anyone with these symptoms. I don't want to start googling the symptoms as when i tried it once all the results were either 'heart attack' or 'stroke' or ‘panic attack’.

I'm trying to relax and stay positive but feeling like this is awful. I don’t tell my partner, colleagues or friends and family how terrible i feel as it only worries them.

I just want to feel better and for all this to stop. Any advice appreciated.


24-03-14, 17:30
I would take the advise from your doctor. We cannot say if it is or isn't migraine but migraine symptoms are horrendous and make you feel dreadful. Some of the symptoms you describe could also be anxiety related. If you read the links on the left side of this page it will help you to understand them more.

24-03-14, 18:27
Thanks for your reply Annie. I'll check out the links.

24-03-14, 18:39
Sorry to hear of your issues but I can tell you that since December I have being going through many of the same symptoms. I was under severe stress around this period and started experiencing strange dull/numbness/pain around head, vision issues, tingling in various areas, chest pain, stabbing/shooting pains to chest and head, even had pain in mouth/gums/teeth. Still getting all the symptoms at moment but they are slowly easing ( I am on week 2 of amitriptyline). Doctor tells me it is anxiety/stress. I know it is very difficult to comprehend that anxiety/stress can manifest itself in as many strange and debilitating symptoms but if you are to click on the symptoms list within this forum it will give you an idea of all the weird and wonderful symptoms. I know it's difficult but distraction seems to work best for me, keeping busy keeps me from constantly thinking about what I think is wrong, once into that cycle the symptoms get worse, the mind is a very powerful tool. I still have the odd setback due to overthinking but I am trying to address that, I'm much better than a couple of months ago, it may take a little longer than I thought/hoped but taking it slowly and week by week. Trust your doctor, talk to all the great people on this forum, and there are many and you will get better. hope you feel better soon.


PS - I see the Scottish flag, where are you from? I'm from Bonnybridge, Central Scotland

24-03-14, 18:49
Hi Barry.

Thanks for your reply and the good wishes. I'm sorry you are having the same sort of issues, but delighted to hear you are beginning to feel a bit better!

It's so hard to get my head round as i've never had anything like this before and i don't really know how to deal with it. It seems to be taking over my life at the moment regardless of how busy i am and how much i ignore the pains.

I'm way up North... Past Inverness. :)

24-03-14, 19:35

Acceptance is difficult but key to the recovery, I still have setbacks and doubt everything, nearly everybody on here will tell you the same. Everybody is at different stages in their recovery but were here to help you through yours, hopefully it will be very short. It is very difficult to get the head round, the questions - why me, I don't think I'm stressed, I don't suffer from anxiety, anxiety/stress surely can't give me this symptom it must be .... Etc etc. there is no rhyme or reason for it, why it happens I don't think we will ever know. Maybe were all just sensitive wee souls (better not let the guys on the building site hear that one :) ) Whatever the cause doesn't matter, it's here and has to be dealt with, and I'm sure you can muster a big Highland kick right to the balls (hopefully doesn't offend) and kick Mr Anxiety/Stress to touch. I'm sure you can and will. Take care and if you need any help along the way just give me a shout ( I have a big size 9 rigger boot if you need it)
