View Full Version : Am I Crazy or Unlucky?

24-03-14, 19:02
> I am a 22-year old male, living in the US. A little over a year ago, I met a girl at school and she began to show interest in me. We had a class together, and she began to show up wherever I was. I decided to give her a chance, and hung out with her one night. We had a few drinks, got comfortable with one another, and we made out for maybe 20-30 minutes, and I had a cut on my lip that night from biting it.

> We did not do anything sexual whatsoever. 2-4 weeks later I began experiencing weird symptoms. I had a flu-like illness with a sore throat, aches, fatigue, no appetite, white spots on my tonsils, and a skin rash. Of course I googled the symptoms, which is never advised, and everything pointed to acute hiv. I had a flu shot that year, which makes the chances of me catching it very slim. I had never experienced anything like this in my entire life. I have never put myself at risk for hiv. I have never engaged in unprotected sex, or abused IV drugs. I have never been involved in any of the risk factors for the disease.

> I went to the doctor and was told that it was most likely pneumonia. About a month after I had been sick I scheduled another doctor's appointment and they ran a CBC and full chemistry panel, to check the functions of my organs and run a bunch of blood tests. The doctor said that all of the numbers were completely normal, and that I had nothing to worry about. The fact that I did not have a specific hiv test, and that I experienced all of those weird symptoms, in the specific time frame, worries the hell out of me. I cannot get it out of my mind. I have convinced myself that I am the most unlucky person in this world, having caught an incurable disease without engaging in any risky behavior.

> I know how crazy this all sounds, and my family and friends never want to humor the idea of it, but I cannot control my fear. I am too scared to even get an hiv test for fear it will come back positive. I even got the courage to tell the girl about the incident, and she told me that she definitely does not have it. I wonder if maybe she either doesn't know, or that she is lying about it. I worry every day that somehow I got it that night, and that I am just extremely unfortunate. I never can put my mind at ease. The symptoms match up almost identically, and the time frame as well. I don't know what to do. Has anyone else ever felt or experienced anything like this?

24-03-14, 19:29
You cannot get HIV from kissing even with a cut on your mouth. HIV cells are dead in the mouth.