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View Full Version : Dry red eyes in the morning

24-03-14, 20:06
Hi, I'm a 27 year old male and generally in a good health. For the past week or so I've been waking up with both eyes really dry and red. They aren't crusty or anything, just red. After I put eye drops in each eye they seem to clear up but it gets gradually worse again as the day goes on. I'm worried that there's something going on internally that is manifesting in the eyes. I'm not a smoker but do drink occasionally. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried?

25-03-14, 10:39
Noticed you had no replies so thought I'd offer some of my experience!

Do you spend a lot of time looking at screens in the day? Browsing the internet, computer games, anything that requires rapid eye movement (even reading) could strain your eyes, but obviously I'm not medically trained so if it's causing you a lot of discomfort or concern you should make a doctors appointment so they can give you a definitive answer.

Hope your eyes feel better soon :)

---------- Post added at 10:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 ----------

Just a thought too, I've had this symptom with hayfever/allergies.

25-03-14, 17:19
Thanks for the reply Pokerface. I do spend alot of time looking at screens at work but thats been the norm for the past 5 years. I have recently been addicted to a computer game ive been playing quite a bit at home so maybe thats what it is?

25-03-14, 17:37
Definitely see your doctor/eye doctor. Dry eyes or more precisely chronic dry eyes are pretty common nowadays with so many folks staring at a computer all day (raises hand).

Positive thoughts

25-03-14, 21:21
Thanks Fishmanpa. I'm supposed to see my Dr for an annual exam soon so I'll definitely ask her about it. The anxiety comes from the thought of it being something internal going on and it being serious. Hopefully its as simple as just staring a computer screen too long and to take a break.

25-03-14, 21:27
Dry eyes from screen time OR possibly from allergy meds (if taking). Do you wear contacts?

25-03-14, 22:12
No I tried contacts and hated them. I've worn glasses since middle school. I also recently just moved and it started happening at my new place. So I wonder if theres something in the air in the area Im in now thats irritating my eyes?

28-03-14, 22:32
The two thoughts that popped up for me were eye fatigue or a possible allergy. As you do spend a lot of time looking at a computer screen it wouldn't be unusual for your eyes to be dry. When we focus on computer screens we actually blink less, which means our eyes get dry much faster. This should be alleviated by eye drops, but it does mean that you may need to apply them often. Allergies can also cause dry eyes, and if it has been happening since you moved into your new house it could very well be this. Have you given the house a thorough clean since you moved in. One of the most common allergies is dust mites - you may need to have a REALLLY good vacuum and dust around the house and then see how your eyes go.

Again, seeing an optometrist is probably the best way to find out what is going on. They are eye specialists and are very good at discerning the causes of dry eyes, irritated eyes, etc.