View Full Version : Anxiety and Appetite

25-03-14, 07:07
Was on 40mg of citalopram for 3 years (abruptly came off them ten weeks ago as I forgot to bring them with me whilst travelling).
I'm now waking up every morning with a racing heart and have little to no appetite - I would say this should be a god send as I put on 3 stone whilst on the antidepressants, but I feel dreadful and eating food makes me feel sick!
Also having a few personal problems at the moment so feel close to tears about 90% of the time!
Anyone had similar experiences or advise?

26-03-14, 07:51
If you can't slowly come off this drug then you have no alternative but to ride it out it took me over 2 months to come off this drug & that was decreasing it over that period. I don't think its a good idea to just stop for reasons you are experiencing.