View Full Version : HELP....weird feelings on St Johns Wort...is it normal??

25-03-14, 08:12
I have been taking St Johns wort for a month now. Yesterday I had some weird feelings...I was feeling quite happy in the morning (even dancing in the kitchen which is very unlike me) but I didn't think anything of it.
However in the evebing I felt so low and felt like crying, I just blamed it on pmt as I'm due on, but within seconds of starting to cry I have the uncontrollable urge to burst out laughing!!! It scared me as I couldn't control the feeling to laugh even tho I had just felt so low and been crying. I then started to panic as the feelings were so weird!!!
Am I going mad or are these side effects of the St Johns wort???
Should I stop taking it or are these affects just it getting to work??


25-03-14, 09:53
Are you on any other medication as well?

25-03-14, 09:56
No. Nothing else

25-03-14, 10:09
It probably isn't related to the SJW - see how things go

25-03-14, 10:14
I've been reading some things on the internet (I know I shouldn't read stuff on there) it says there are studies that say sjw can cause psychosis!! That's set my paranoia off.

I've never had anything like it before and I've suffered with panic attacks and anxiety for years. I'm now worried I've got mania or going crazy

25-03-14, 11:12
If you are really worried then stop taking it but I think it is because you read about it so now you think you will go crazy

25-03-14, 13:17
I didn't get on well with SJW, although it was such a long time ago that I can't remember exactly why.

I do know that emotions are linked though. I often burst into tears when I have low periods, and often that results in an almost uncontrollable rage. My sadness is linked with anger, I don't know why.

Perhaps it's the same for you, except that it promotes laughter instead.

25-03-14, 15:36
I've stopped taking it now, scared myself too much.

26-03-14, 00:55
People have mixed reactions to St John's Wort. As it can elevate seritonin levels, SJW can often have similar effects to antidepressants. I wouldn't be too concerned about the feelings you experienced. Recovery from depression and anxiety can be an emotional rollercoaster, so don't worry about feeling different emotions over the course of one day. We often get so used to being permanantly depressed or anxious that we don't know how to react to other emotions.

Cherish the fact that you danced in your kitchen and laughed in response to your tears! You are not going mad, there is no such thing :)

26-03-14, 11:12
Something else I realised yesterday as well is that when I'm under a large amount of stress (like now) I often feel like crying as I'm laughing.

Again, emotions can be linked so I really wouldn't worry about it too much.