View Full Version : Adrenaline Rush

25-03-14, 10:56
Hello everyone.

Each day, my eyes go out of focus. It happens more when im talking 1-2-1 or when i go in social places. Now I am a very confident person and don't have social anxiety.

However, in social situations or out in public or walking my vision goes and apparently im told its adrenaline. However.... it's happening when i dont even feel anxious?

To help myself... I go to the gym daily, cardio/weights. I eat a good balanced diet. I meditate once a day. I go to yoga once a week. I am also learning EFT to help diminish my past anxiety and traumas (which has been going on for many years and will take time to clear).

Any tips on staying calm/focused in the day to help adrenaline and my vision would be a great help.

Thanks :)

25-03-14, 13:07
Have you thought about getting your eyes tested?

25-03-14, 14:22
Yep.... kinda agree with Ronnie on this one:)

25-03-14, 17:50
I was unaware that vision had anything to do with adreneline rushes. I just get a adrenline rush that I feel in my stomach.. Anxiety can do odd things though, so it could be a result of the anxiety..but doubt the vision loss is a result of an adreneline rush xx

26-03-14, 01:03
Hi Claire, I have moments where I lose my vision/focus too, even when my anxiety is low (and high) :doh: I suppose it can differ from person to person, Im no expert :) but people may feel like this because they are exhausted or a lack of sleep or maybe anxiety. When I have an adrenaline rush it feels like my stomachs churning and I get a very cold feeling in my body. I lose focus due to my anxiety but I also have adrenaline rushes when Im in very anxious situations such as large social groups or when I had to speak in front of people when I was at school. (I suffer from GAD, OCD and depression)

Going to the gym etc is a really great way to help/lower anxiety, well done :D

Hope this helps you :)


26-03-14, 06:41
Adrenaline rushes will affect fine motor skill but I didn't know about it blurring vision.

You would very much feel an adrenaline rush as well. I've had them as side effects before and you would want to sprint a 1 minute mile! If you are used to working out, I would think you would also be used to adrenaline rushes in some way.

So, do you feel anything other than the vision?

It could of course be more anxiety which has many subtletes in it's armoury.

Are you on any medication?

26-03-14, 07:02

Had my eyes tested i have 20/20 vision!

Its anxiety, as sometimes in extreme cases (when more anxious) my complete field of vision goes and looks very odd which is strange, then I get the fuzzy head feeling.

When I rest my eyes or meditate the vision things go..

Adrenaline causes contraction of the radial muscle of the iris (the coloured part of the eye) which leads to dilatation of the pupil!

I'm just looking for some help with coping mechanisms?

I have suffered a bit with derealisation to where things just look odd.... my own theory is that because of this i have been putting too much pressure on my eyes to see things clearly that although I may not realise it, when I am out and about I am looking around CONSTANTLY seeing how things look. Putting strain on my eyes, subconsciously then causing anxiety.

If I could meditate in public, or close my eyes when people are talking face to face I could possibly resolve it. But these coping tips aren't ideal..

Any suggestions?

26-03-14, 13:55
Hi I to do suffer loss of vision when my anxiety high and it feels salt like adrwnline rush to the head I often say f feels life my head is full off pressure I am also aware even right now my jaw ashes from tension that as been surrounding my head. Making me loose my vision a few times today and I do no I am under a lot of stress do to family probs right now so I even no wat is giving m all the crap head stuff lol don't make it easier to cope with or less scarey wen it happens to me I do rember first time it happened scared the hell out of me and yep still scarey but I don't panic at it now I just go with it a minute and it does go and yeo it comes bk wen I I feel stresses going up take care xxx

26-03-14, 16:15
Adrenaline is released during fight or flight response which affects most of the body. It makes your pupil dilate to allow more light into the eye and to widen vision, so blurriness is caused by this.

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