View Full Version : Having a Life...

25-03-14, 12:10
Hey All,

I'm off ill today with a cold. Many others would push on through to work feeling the way I am right now but unfortunately, sometimes I do not feel strong enough to do so.

Since being on my own for most of the morning...I have lots of thoughts going on regarding my anxiety.

Each morning I get up anxious about going to work, it's not the work itself that makes me anxious, it's the classic London commuter tale of going on the packed train and tube, the hussle and bussle, the depersonalisation that London offers. I have the typical London commuter life but with a twist - get up stupidly early, go in to the City feeling anxious, work, leave feeling anxious and get the long train home, anxiety soon disappearing. I have moved out to a really nice countryside town to escape suburban London. I am a family person, like pets and like to feel like I belong somewhere.

For 5 years, I have felt unsettled with the London life, with my life and the way it is. I am a plane ride away from my Mum and family, I have no pets but I have a partner who I love and we live together.

I am feeling pretty down at the moment. I don't know what to do with my life. I cannot carry on with feeling anxious all of the time, however I do not know what to do.

Does anyone else have the same feelings? What have you done to help with GAD? Do you change what you have or change yourself?

I changed myself a few years ago when I went on Fluoxetine, it helped me worry less. Although, I did not change much about my circumstances, I was still working the London commuter life but less scared of it. I feel as if I would like a local job, to get a pet, to cut out the 3 hour commuting day. However, I know if I go for a local job then my career will suffer. It is live v's work.

Sorry for the long speech, I would love to hear back from others who may have gone through/going through similar situations.

Milk x

25-03-14, 12:55
Tricky isnt it.
Everyone`s programmed to do well and progress in their career but this ends up turning people into rats in rat runs, scurrying down the same stressful, joyless, hurried paths everyday, their free time stolen, their minds not their own.
But they have a career...

But the reason for the career was supposed to be security, happiness, positive things. But often it doesnt and people, confused continue to trudge on on a daily basis feeling more and more numb.

I live in the north and have worked with a couple of people who got out of London for the same reason. Would you consider moving to a less stressful part of the country ?

I think youre right to question your situation and look to improve it so you are happier in it.

I think theres a lot to be said for working locally, creating more free time to do the things you enjoy and be with the important people in your life, even if it means earning less.

Enjoy your life now. No point stressing along in those rat runs trying to reach that point where you dont have to do it anymore. Thats going to be retirement and then youre old !

Youre on the right path. Find a solution. Maybe you could start a business. I think you`ll be happier.

(footnote : these are the thoughts of a rambling idiot who doesnt even know the poster and could be completely wrong)

25-03-14, 13:43
I hate London !

25-03-14, 14:02
Yes I was a Police Officer and it was "killing" me..... so I downsized my entire life.....mortgage, job, bills. But I live in the countryside so don't have that London thing. When I visit an old friend who lives in London I can only stand 2 days there before my anxiety forces a retreat home.

It's corny I know but you only live once..... do you want to end up in 10 years time feeling exactly the same as you do now?


25-03-14, 18:08
:hugs: Thanks for your advice guys

Yes, it is starting to drag me down loads. I know my anxiety is bad at the moment and I shouldn't look to move jobs because of that. I wonder if I should go back on Fluoxetine and banish my anxiety to work before changing jobs? I am just worried about changing jobs when I'm not feeling the best, as I do have good perks for sickness and holidays where I am.

Just don't know what to do but feel miserable at the moment. Keep getting ill with the cold recently and its making me really down.

Milk X

26-03-14, 10:45
Off again today :mad: Although I should have just dragged myself to work and I know I am avoiding it for avoidance's sake.

Going to try and get out of the flat this afternoon and walk into the town centre. Even do some Yoga this evening. Can't believe I am feeling like this again, I really don't want my anxiety overcoming me :weep:

Milk x