View Full Version : My dizzy zaps - eye flickering

25-03-14, 15:02
Hi All,

Well on the whole I am improving which is down to some great integrative therapy. However the past few days my zaps seem to of come back.
No I know not many on here have medical qualifications but was hoping some one may be able to help.

I have tried to write down what happens when I have my zaps as they are over so quickly I always forget when trying to explain it to the doctor.

What happens is my eyes almost drift off for a split second then flicker for literally a second this then makes me feel like I am almost dropping and I end up getting an electric sensation through both my hands where they tingle. This whole 'zap' happens in about 3 seconds the duration has never increased and tends to happen when I am on the computer.

I don't know whether its some sort of seizure or what it is but its doing my nut in and feels really unpleasant and rather scary :(