View Full Version : sorry people but I need help

25-03-14, 15:36
I just cnt do this anymore so much is wrong with me, I need someone to talk to :weep:

25-03-14, 15:45
Are you ok? it May help if you specify your symptoms to us

25-03-14, 15:48
I just feel real bad I have so many physical problems an dnt know whether its my HA, chest pain and shortness of breath , rapid heartbeat my throat feels very tight and restricted, pus I have a dental infection so my whole face is banging with pain, I'm scared to take meds although I'm taking paracetamol an ibrufoen for the pain I jus cnt do this I've had no let up since january an I'm worn out with it an thourghly miserable :( all I do is cry xxx

25-03-14, 15:49
How is the diazepam going?

25-03-14, 15:55
get it all out.....it really helps to talk - and you'll be surprised how many of us have the same things wrong......or at least we think we do......:hugs:

---------- Post added at 15:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50 ----------

Take your meds......they really will help you.
As for your symptoms........had them all........and I wouldn't be surprised if the toothache is down to jaw clenching too.....
Wish I could convince you it will be all right, but I guess if you're in a pickle at present it won't make you feel much better, but hopefully knowing that someone is with you will help calm you a little..xxx

25-03-14, 16:21
ninnie, i had jaw ache last week, it hurt when i touched the bottom of my jaw bone. It wasn't till my 14 year old pointed out that i was clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth that i figured out why lol.

Paula, I have had all those symptoms. And i agree with ninnie....talking helps so much. hope you feel a little better soon.

Catherine S
25-03-14, 16:27
Hi Paula, just been reading your earlier thread where you say your breathing's bad and you can't control it and that's the clue right there. Breathing is automatic and once you start tuning into it and trying to control it this just makes things feel worse. You don't stop breathing when you sleep and that's without any help from you! When we panic we create an imbalance between the oxygen/carbon dioxide levels in our system and this can lead to a feeling that we can't get enough air. Not harmful just very uncomfortable, and then we panic more so its a vicious circle.

The symptoms you describe sound like classic fight or flight symptoms and seeing as how your tests were negative, this is probably what you're experiencing. Its a powerful feeling, and all that excess adrenaline your system is producing isn't being used, if you were fighting or running away from danger you'd use it up, maybe try some dancing to get rid of the adrenaline? You might find you feel calmer afterwards. You might not feel like throwing yourself around your lounge to music, you might feel that it will make you feel worse, but exercise will use up the adrenaline and its surprising how much it helps...perhaps when you're not in pain from your tooth problems though.

25-03-14, 16:27
Sometimes i feel the same.:( hope you feel better soon.

25-03-14, 16:32
yes ISB!! You've articulated that so well. When i concentrate on my breathing, its almost like if i don't make myself breath i'll die.

25-03-14, 16:44
ISB, I'm with you on the exercise, if I'm Having a wobble I automatically want to go for a walk or a run (I'm by no means an exercise fanatic haha!!!!) I hadn't thought of it as our bodies way of balancing out the adrenaline.

Catherine S
25-03-14, 17:28
Its something that we learned way back in the day...before all the online therapists and Dr.Google. If we're stressed our body reacts physically by pumping out more adrenaline. Our system is programmed to react to stress in a certain way and that has never changed since the cavemen, but our modern lifestyles are very different..more sedentary and all the school runs and driving through traffic to work etc, means we lead busy lives yes, but its more mentally tiring than phisically tiring, so the adrenalin has nowhere to go.

25-03-14, 17:57
Hi Paula hun were both in the wars again it sounds so much like anxiety at its worst the breathing and the throat symptoms you have a certain area that's worse like me mine is stomach and nausea your anxiety isn't been sorted properly if you have felt this bad since Jan when you take a Diaz does it take the fear away with me it just zonks me so I'm too tired to fret feel free to pm.me :hugs:

26-03-14, 03:53
I'm finding this so hard I'm in agony with my tooth infexction, an I feel so dizzy an short of breath, any suggestions for this pain painkillers aint working well x

26-03-14, 05:10
I would also suggest doing the exercise earlier in the day. It will help regulate your daily cycle by using up the excess adrenaline early on allowing your body to calm down and stay calmer later on. I know this works for me. Your body will focus on using up everything on repairing you from the exercise.

It also helps you sleep better. There have been many studies on people who perform a lot of exercise and they have reported deeper sleep levels than those who do not maintain an exercise regime.

26-03-14, 07:52
Have you seen a dentist about your tooth?

26-03-14, 09:08
Dentist at 11 o clock, wish me luck an thanks for all your replies, an Terry I will try doin my exercise in the mornin an see if it calms me for later in the day, I will let you all know how I get on
Thanks again so so much x

26-03-14, 09:12
Good luck at the dentist. Once you get that sorted out I'm sure you will start to feel better as there is nothing worse than constant pain for making you anxious.

26-03-14, 09:30
Thanks humly, I'm sure your right, I feel so unwell at the moment, I feel like something really bad is about to happen to me! Which I think is Health Anxiety, I'm struggling to come to terms with the fact that a couple of months ago I was in good health an all of a sudden I'm practically housebound an really sick :( hope you have a good day an thankyou for your kind words x

26-03-14, 09:41
Hi Paula, would you think about getting in touch with your old CBT therapist? They could run some refresher sessions with you and maybe give you some new tools to work with?

Try and get yourself moving, I know it's hard sometimes with anxiety, but you've done pretty well in the past so part of you knows what to do when you feel this way. What methods have you used in the past to pull yourself out of the anxious feelings?

26-03-14, 09:54
Gonna ring the iapt team shortly an explain how I am an hopefully I can see the therapist quite soon! I've been told I can see them in 8 weeks but I need something sooner I think, an I'm gonna do my best to keep busy! I will be checking in here on an off all day I need the support I get from you guys at the min, you are all helping more than you know x

26-03-14, 13:52
How did you get on at the dentist? Hope you are all sorted now.

26-03-14, 15:22
Hi, they have given me metridonazole antibiotics an said I need to go back for a rct (root canal treatment) which is fine now but nearer to the time I'll be a mess, I'm in absolute agony an cnt ease the pain I know this sounds stupid but if you've ever had toothache or mouth infection you'll know what I mean about wanting just 5 seconds rest from it, all my jaw an neck is swollen an the side of my face up around my ear is in excrucating pain! Oh well I will have to just ride it through even tho I feel like I could chop me lil bloody finger off so I couldn't feel my tooth ha!! I won't do that tho!!! Hope your okay xxxx

Catherine S
26-03-14, 15:27
Ouchy! My daughter had one of her big back teeth removed last month and she had an infection in her gum afterwards which was agony she said and was crying with the pain, and was also given antibiotics which did the trick quite quickly really. Hope you feel better soon Paula.

Female healthanxiety
26-03-14, 16:36
Im here to talk to!

what's up hun? xxx:flowers:

26-03-14, 16:52
Once you get those antibiotics into your system you'll feel much better. This time tomorrow you'll be a different person x

26-03-14, 18:01
Sorry you're feeling bad at the moment but you're doing a good thing by talking about it & do take your Diazepam because it will calm you down.
I have an eye problem & because I can't see properly it gets to me & gets me stressed & down.when I tell people the main answer is it would get me down as well.
What I'm saying is it's normal to feel more down when you have pain or something else physically.

Catherine S
26-03-14, 18:05
Female health anxiety....you made me smile :) there are 3 pages of this thread since it was posted and on page 3 you're asking her what's up lol! Haven't you been reading it? :D

26-03-14, 19:29
Any suggestions to get out of pain my dear friends I cnt bear this! I have a serious dental infection an I'm taking metridonazole antibiotics an paracetamol an ibrufoen my heart rate is through the roof :( :( x