View Full Version : Feeling weird day after a panic attack.

25-03-14, 15:51
Hi Guys, I'm new here, Im just looking for help really :(

I suffer from G.A.D, and yesterday evening I had a panic attack, which I ain't had for a little while now.

I was sat watching something on youtube, and looked away for a moment, which made me a little dizzy, this freaked me out, so I got up and sat on the sofa, then out of nowhere, boom it hit me!

Had the feeling of dread, some kinda of werid fluttering in my chest, with like extreame shivers, the feeling of being strangled and some kinda of odd tension in my hads, where they couldnt keep still, but felt really tense if that makes sense?

However I have now somehow convinced I have had/having a heart attack, and I cant get that feeling out my head. The weak and wobbly feeling was that bad this morning, I walked into town to see if something would happen..needless to say it didn't, although I do feel quite weak/heavy, and keep having this stange feeling like im light headed, but not, kinda spaced out if that makes sense? Only way I can discribe it is almost light headed..yeah I know, terrible discripton.

Now don't get me wrong, i'm 20 stone and 6'5 so I aint the smallest person in the world (both hight and wieght!) but would I be really walking around town and such if I had a heart attack? The logical side of me says no of course not, but the other side, is screaming make your effing will Kain!

Driving me mad today, to top it all off, I have a deep phobia of doctors, so just popping to see them is just as likely to bring on another attack than be of help.

So yeah does anyone else get this feeling with and after panic attacks, or have I finally lost the plot? :shrug:

Thanks all

25-03-14, 16:05
Hey Kain,

first of all, welcome to nmp. Second of all, no you didn't have a heart attack. You know this, i know this, you just need your brain to know.

The rush of adrenaline you experience during a panic attack can leave you a bit wobbly for days, especially if you're still a bit anxious. It sometimes takes me days to straighten out after an attack. Its not a pleasant feeling. but anxiety attacks are just adrenaline.

You're in a good place being in this forum. Take a look about, you'll find there are lots of people who know exactly how you're feeling. I suggest you take a look at the therapy page and see about getting some cbt...it helps immensely.

And lastly, know that you're not alone in how you feel. XXX

25-03-14, 16:38
Thanks Lisa,

I just wish my brain would behave at times lol. I wish I knew why it always seems to make up heart attacks or blod clots, I have no idea. I know one thing though, it freaks me out no end!

My chest didnt even hurt last night, it was just a weird feeling, apprantly heart attacks are painfull.

Daft isn't it.


25-03-14, 16:47
I've never had a heart attack, but there are people on here who have. But i've read that the pain is like the worse ever.

Read the cbt books, they explain it so well, why we think what we think.


25-03-14, 17:23
Yep, have downloaded them, and going to give them a good read.

Ive just run down a flight to stairs to feed my chickens, pretty sure its not a heart attack lol.

Feel pretty stupid about it all really.

25-03-14, 17:28
lol, now time to convince and retrain your brain. and apart from the running around after poultry, i think if it was a heart attack, you'd not only be unable to run anywhere, you'd be in hospital or worse.

Glad you got the download. I can't tell you how much its helped me and i'm only on book 3 lol. I can't wait to get to the mindfulness one but i need to read them in order.

25-03-14, 17:37
Yep, just got get my brain to fire on all cylinders! Hopefully the books will at least make it all make abit more sense than it does now lol.

Thanks for your help Lisa, really good to talk to someone who knows what it like :)

25-03-14, 17:53
No problem Kain. Like i said, always here (i have no life!!) if you need to chat. Lets hope you start tomorrow more positive and don't let the dragon get you down. xx

26-03-14, 15:39
Well still feeling weird today. my chest still dont feel quite right, I also keep burping like a fool. also have a kinda odd feeling in my stomach everytime I eat. I feel sick, but don't feel the need to be sick if that makes sense.

Worse thing is though, if the odd spaced out/light headdedness feeling I keep getting. I think that feeling keep sending me into a panicy feeling.

Maybe its some kinda stomach bug? Earlier felt like I couldn't breathe, but clearly I was breathing fine!

I wish someone would saly this dragon! :(

27-03-14, 04:31
Xango, I have been getting the same exact attacks during sleep. Also, I thought I was going crazy but nobody believed me when I said I quickly turned my head and felt dizzy and as if I was being pulled down. Another time I woke up during sleep, stood up, felt heart racing, got dizzy, had burning sensation in my shoulders and down my torso to my pelvic area, nausea, the started shivering feeling ice cold. This happened 3 months ago, paramedics came and told me my heart was fine and appeared to be a panic attack. Of course I thought it was a heartattack and I was blurting out to my wife to call family members cuz this was it. Just 2 nights ago (3 months later) the same thing happened again except this time and I began walking around taking deep breaths until my symptoms subsided. Last night went through same but had racing heart all nigh with high bp. Today I took klonapin and eased me down a bit. Basically, as you can see anxiety is VERY powerful, puts you in a state of mind that is hard to break. We will all make it through this just realize anxiety and panic attacks are always changing and can really trick tour brain. Good luck to you.

27-03-14, 08:12
Crikey Antianxiety, thats exactly how my attack was! How strange! Its horrible isn't it.

I'm still trying to convince myself i didn't have a heart attack 3 days on. Even though if I did, I probably wouldn't be typing this message now..

Its vile isn't it mate :(

27-03-14, 11:01
How you feeling today kain? The anxious feeling waning any? x

27-03-14, 13:41
the thing with anxiety/panic is it manifests itself so its alright experts telling you to ignore the "symptoms"

I at times get so hypersensitive its funny afterwards but at the time its far from funny

tk care

27-03-14, 16:05
No too bad thanks Lisa, I went out doing my wildlife photography today, part of which I was walking up hills and such, no pain, not even out of breath, so that pretty much puts to bed the heart attack theory.

I'm still not 1005, but I would say Im at least 75% now, ty for asking :)

27-03-14, 16:06
Hi Kain. I had a PA yesterday as well, on my way home from work. Today I am all out of sorts. I'm just trying to remember that it's only panic and that I will feel better. I took a sedative after it happened and now I struggling to stay awake and focused at work. All I want to do is crawl back in bed and hide under the covers! I hope you feel better soon! :hugs:

27-03-14, 16:08
You're welcome. How you getting on with the download? Is it helping you understand your symptoms and why they happen?

27-03-14, 19:14
Yeah its quite insightfull :)

Lots to take in.

27-03-14, 23:45
i love it, got it on the lappy and on my phone so i can take it with me wherever i go. Although i'm reading anna karenina on my phone atm so the cbt hasn't got a look in lol.

29-03-14, 20:14
Im still having that slightly lightheaded/spaced out feeling that last 1 or 2 seconds max. Does anyone else get this? Its really starting to unerve me abit :(

29-03-14, 22:56
yea, i get that kain. even when im sat down, like a rushing feeling. xx

29-03-14, 23:43
Yup I get it when even watching some boring rubbish on TV Lisa, it's driving me mad :( x

29-03-14, 23:52
Hi there

MY GOD:)) I know what yer feeling..... I have had panic attacks on and off since I was 14 years old I am now in my 50s.....many many times I never thought I was going to see the next day...the hospitals I have been to, A&Es you name it, panic attacks are dreadful well and truly... the trouble is... after we have all had attacks, we feel stupid about talking about it, but of course when you in full swing having one, you feel the only way this is going is death...and yet we somehow come out of it... I had one today, the first time since December last year.... DREADFUL.....I didn't feel anxious as such or at least I didn't feel odd, and then BANG all of a sudden, I felt like my heart had stopped and that I couldn't breathe and then I was fighting for air.... it's just so
terrible.... it lasted for about 15 mins and I was in great terror, then gradually I started to feel I was coming down off of it..... mine has lead to monophobia which means being scared to death of being alone in case something happens!! it's a continuous nightmare and mental hang up....When I am having an attack, I feel as though my chest is heavy and everything is not real and that I am suffocating... ( do you have this?) great aint it:)) I think we will have to start up a chat show for people who panic:) imagine it:)) everyone in the studio having panic attacks all at once:))
Seriously though.... I understand exactly where you are coming from....I just thought I would explain what happens to me so that if you get this, then you know you are certainly not alone...:D

30-03-14, 02:18
lol Telboy! the tv show idea...shall we pitch it to the BBC?

30-03-14, 10:26
Man I feel even worse today, completely fatigued, just like when you have a flu and you feel all weak and tired.

Yet I have no flu symptoms. I know at this rate im going to have to see a doctor, which when you have a phobia of quacks..yeah this is becomming a nightmare :(

30-03-14, 13:11
Kain, maybe you should go see a doctor. I'm not saying there's anything wrong, but at then you'd know, get some antibiotics and quit worrying yourself half to death over it hun. The worrying is 90% of the shitty feelings, so once you can rest your mind, your body will follow.

Hope you feel better soon. Get Mrs Xango to look after you today. xx

01-04-14, 20:24
Well I finally plucked up the courage to see my doctor today, and would you believe all my symptoms and issues was all down to my GAD. The chest pains, the sickness, the fear I was about to kick the bucket everything. I feel relieved but also a complete dick tbh.

Next time I have to write it down that it's not a heart attack, it's panic, he also explained why the woozy feeling. Since I had the actual panic attack last Tuesday, apparently my brain has been going 100 miles a hour for the past week, and I'm just mentally exhausted, hence the woozy wobbly tired feeling I keep getting.

I've not got to focus on my hobbies and other distraction techniques until my brain behaves and gets back into the normal rhythm.

Probably the worse bout I have ever had :(.

Big thank you to Lisa too, you talked a lot of sense to me when I was going out my mind!


01-04-14, 21:20
the trouble is GAD presents very real symptoms so we as sufferers believe something is wrong with us then we fuel more GAD lol

some of the stuff I could laugh at now but at the time they were very real to me and put me on red alert and occasionally still do

02-04-14, 00:16
Hey Kain,

Firstly, let me say a massive well done for facing your fear and going to see a doctor. I know how hard that must have been for you! Proud of you!!

Secondly, you really have nothing to say thank you for. Thats what this site is all about...giving support to those in the same boat as ourselves. I should thank you too, because in you asking for advice and stating your symptoms, it calms me when im feeling anxy knowing that they're just products of my messed up brain.

Im so glad you've been and got medical reassurance and now you can move past this. Don't go disappearing now you're on the mend though...there are lots of other people who need support from people like you.

Take care. xxx