View Full Version : twitches in head now &;still in left eye !!!

25-03-14, 20:20
Hi all i havent been to the drs but for several months i suffered with twitching throughout my body .i could see it twitching alot it was around the same time i had a dull ache in the top of my arm it ached so much then noticed it had dented in ....i went to the drs and he said if it stops aching dont worry...it did stop and so im left with the dent .....to follow were the twitches everywhere they came on at night and first thing and sometimes the day...then they subsided i now have a big twitch in my left eye going on for months ...it even closes when twitching ...how annoying now im feeling a twitch deep inside my head its the strangest feeling has anyone else suffered this ? Ive been terrified of als and ms ..but i know its all worrying .....i just wondered if anyone else had suffered this ....its so on going x

25-03-14, 20:38
Constant or every now and then? I get twitchy eyes when I really am exhausted. Which is often especially with HA and nightmares! X

25-03-14, 20:59
Hun, calm down. I have the most bizarre twitching. You know that my twitching is fairly new to me too. I notice as time goes on the twitches/vibrations are ending up in the strangest places on my body. On Friday the tip of my nose was vibrating almost constantly. The too of my foot is twitching right now. I notice I twitch on my left side more. I've had the Als fear. Remember it's a disease of muscle weakness and death not a disease of twitching that is BFS. I know it's scary but it's okay.:hugs:

25-03-14, 21:24
Hi Rose Eve .....thankyou for your reply ...these wierd twitches inside my head are worse than the ones i can see. X its like my head is julting inside....i wish i was brave enough to go to the drs ....when i make myself jump or panic about something momentarialy my eye twitches ...it must be anxiety x

25-03-14, 22:07
It is from anxiety. I can't see like 90% of my twitches. There is nothing the doctors can do for twitching but they can assure it's nothing sinister. I used to have the fear of going to the doctors but I do now if I need to. You will feel better. Pm me anytime you want to talk xoxoxo

25-03-14, 22:32
I used to get twitches too, thought it must be a tumour, but it was just nerves. Dont worry, theyll stop eventually xxxxxx: :wacko:

26-03-14, 08:31
I get twitchy eyes when Im tired/stressed or Potassium deficient

26-03-14, 08:50
Hi there
I used to suffer with twitches a lot and thought it was a sign of MS, I asked my doctor who said it was a classic sign of anxiety. Can also be due to tiredness.
I started to take magnesium supplements and the twitching stopped so maybe ask your doc if you have any nutritional deficiency.
good luck