View Full Version : Is it normal to feel these?

29-11-06, 22:38
After being swapped from sleeping at 5am till 5 pm to sleeping 8:30 pm till 5:30 am feel sleepy alot.. and yawn...especially after eating?
Is it normal when you eat heavy and fast to have skipped heart beats and alot..
Its it normal to feel like you cant fight the sleep after eating?
It is normal to feel weak when you lie around all the time and shakey?
If is normal to feel weak if its been awhile since you ate?
Is it normal to see stars sometimes or feel a little dizzy when you have your head propped up and swing from side to side..?
Is it normal to feel panic when you know the doctors are going home soon from the office and you might be snowed in for the night?
is it normal to get concerened about your heart when you have been thinking about the days that your mom died of heart problems and your brother died of a hidden heart condition.
Is it normal to obsess over sudden sharp pains in your neck around the arteries?
is it normal to feel like there is a nerve or artery behind your head that feels like a spasm when you have your head propped up?
is it normal to feel like you cannot cordinate your movement when getting in and out of the car when out shopping or to not get total focus when you come in out of the sunlight to a darker place.?
I think its all anxiety but well wanted to post to see what others might think and what they have experienced.. God I hate fear...i hate worry and wish I could give it all up.. I read overcoming fear..it sinks in for a bit then disappears..wish i could be obsessed about it as much as i am the fear.I talked with a friend this morning that had anxiety after her daughter was killed.she no longer fears death..and get this.. she has a doctor phobia too and was a nurse for over 30 years.. so just for the record wanted to jot this here so that you all know that you aren't alone.. and if you have some of the above issues and you can tell me yes i experience them too.. please do..I suspect they are but well what can i say.. Its the anxiety writing..

Stu M
29-11-06, 23:11

I have most of the above [Sigh...] and have had on and off for some time now. In fact its a bit scary looking at that list and realising in print how much anxiety CAN affect us.

But I do get them and I keep on living, so I cling to the fact that although they are realy awful symtoms, they wont kill me :D Or so I keep telling myself, the health anxiety fights me tooth and nail. Fear is what fuels my anxiety, and I know I have to overcome it to gain some semblance of normality (whatever that is?). All I can offer in advice is what I say to myself all the time 'don't give up!'

So have faith in the fact your not alone. Im sure other posts will tell you the same.

Keep smiling :D


29-11-06, 23:46
It's all normal parts of anxiety and or depression, the doc tells me they are bedfellows. Every pain is a heart attack or blood clot or cancer or anything you just read about in the papers or saw on the tv. I used to take my mobile phone to the toilet with me at work and only lock the door bolt so it just engaged in case anyone needed to get to me quick it would open with a shove. I knew it was stupid but couldn't help the feelings! I'm better now after /during treatment, it is possible to relieve and get over these terrible symptoms